911 Lone Star Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: #Tarlos’ kids; Marjan’s new romance

#Tarlos is getting married soon, and fans of Tarlos have been eagerly waiting for it. But 911 Lone Star Season 4 Episode 12 has us worried about the future of the #Tarlos. Do you think 911: Lone Star will cancel the wedding? In related romance news, Marjan had finally found a person.  Continue reading the recap at tvacute.com for a complete breakdown of what went on in the twelfth episode of Season 4 of 911: Lone Star.

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911 Lone Star Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

As the time for their big day drew closer, T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein) and Carlos (Rafael Silva) started looking for an officiant. During their search, they saw a nice preacher who warned them that they would be bound together “for eternity… burning in hell.” Because of this, T.K. and Carlos had a heart-to-heart regarding having children, something Carlos was adamantly against. The rest of the program centers around this topic in their thinking.

It has nothing to do with the child requiring a mother or even with T.K.’s recovery, as was made clear in an emotional follow-up conversation between Carlos and his mother. While Carlos is talking to his mother, T.K. discusses her twins and parenthood with Grace (Gina Torres) before visiting Owen (Rob Lowe). . Andrea (Roxana Brusso) is skeptical of Carlos’ explanation that they’ve been too busy for the talk since she believes her son avoided it on purpose because he already knew T.K.’s answer. Carlos’s fiancée reassures T.K., who is worried that he may relapse, that this is not the case.

Carlos worries that he won’t be a good father because his relationship with his own father has only recently begun. Although things are excellent for them right now, that wasn’t always the case. He fears falling short of expectations. T.K. justifies his actions by saying that he wants to “pay it forward” because he and Owen have a “great father-son situation.” Andrea offers the soundest counsel by suggesting that Carlos be forthright with T.K.

Marjan uses social media. It seems like her ex-boyfriend has already started a family. This situation has upset her greatly. The firefighters’ crew tries to get her out of the dating scene once they return to the station. She accepts their offer to act as her escort. Owen informs her that she must sign up for multiple services. Soon she’ll be seeing multiple men at once, and each of them will take turns chaperoning. It seems like Marjan has developed a crush on one particular man. Even Owen agrees that he has charisma. Marjan later goes into a panic when he doesn’t immediately call. At the firehouse, she announces her intention to call him to the group. No, they yell at her. This is a procedure that she despises. Her crush just sent her a text message. She has regained her composure and joy.

A pregnant woman has located her husband at a local motel, where he was staying with another woman. She insists that the front desk inform her where he is staying, but they remain silent. She leaves the house and makes off with a bulldozer. She plows right through the front entrance with it. In order to assist the expecting mother, the 126 has arrived. At Marjan’s urging, she comes to her senses. She is brought to security. Marjan later learns that her previous date was the pregnant woman whose husband was having an affair.

Owen is eating fried chicken while TK sits down and has a chat with him. While TK contemplates his future with Carlos, Owen is trying to get over the fact that the prince of Marjan is a cheat.  Paul and Marjan go food shopping. Marjan encounters her sexy therapist Joe (John Clarence Stewart) by chance. They appear to share many interests and values. He’s Muslim and very good-looking, too. She extends a dating invitation to him. He agrees.

After T.K. and Carlos each had conversations with the parents, we thought that the issue would be settled within the hour, but it turned out that our assumption was incorrect. At the end of the episode, Carlos gave T.K. a new lizard as a parting gift and said “This may be the only child we ever share together.”  Carlos isn’t ready to be a father and isn’t sure if he ever will be, but he is confident that TK is. They may never have any more children together, and T.K. is fine with that. The lizard, however, escapes from the box, forcing them to start the search for him all over again.   However, is he in fact? It’s a common reason for divorce among couples, and it’s abundantly clear how strongly TK is. desires children to be a part of his life.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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