Directed by Shinsuke Sato, the Japanese original series Alice in Borderland has cast new members. Based on the manga series “Imawa no Kuni no Arisu” by Haro Aso. The 8 episodes series will be released on Netflix globally in winter 2020. Its stars Kento Yamazaki as Ryohei Arisu, Tao Tsuchiya as Yuzuha Usagi and the new cast includes
Nijiro Murakami as Chishiya
Keita Machida as Karube
Ayaka Miyoshi as Ann
Yuki Morinaga as Chota
Dori Sakurada as Niragi
Aya Asahina as Kuina
Shuntaro Yanagi as Lasubosu/Last Boss,
Yutaro Watanabe as Tatta
Mizuki Yoshida as Asahi
Tsuyoshi Abe as Kuzuryu
Ayame Misaki as Shibuki
Nobuaki Kaneko as Boshiya/Hatter
Riisa Naka as Mira
Sho Aoyagi as Aguni
Synopsis: Arisu—a listless, jobless, and video-game-obsessed young man—suddenly finds himself in a strange, emptied-out version of Tokyo in which he and his friends must compete in dangerous games in order to survive. In this strange world, Arisu meets Usagi, a young woman who’s navigating the games alone. Together, they set out to unravel one mystery after another as they risk their lives and confront what it means to live.