The creators of Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey are extending their Horror Universe with a terrifying reimagining of Alice in Wonderland. The upcoming Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare’s director and producer Scott Chambers has revealed that Alice & The Mad Hatter will be one of the next movies in their Twisted Childhood Universe (TCU). This film will join other terrifying retellings of beloved children’s stories like – Pinocchio and Bambi in the expanding franchise.
After the Peter Pan horror movie opens in 2025, Chambers revealed that Alice & The Mad Hatter would be his next project. He made the revelation during an Instagram Q&A. There will be more dark interpretations of well-known tales for TCU fans to look forward to, since there are already films in development, including a Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey sequel.
Despite the film’s mixed reviews, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey’s success has allowed the producers to continue developing their shared horror universe. Filmmakers Rhys Frake-Waterfield and Chambers took advantage of the public release of the original Winnie-the-Pooh narrative in 2022 to transform the lovable characters into terrifying renditions that drew in viewers.
They are currently using Alice in Wonderland in the same way. Nevertheless, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, in contrast to Winnie-the-Pooh, has been in the public domain for a very long time and has already been made into a number of eerie and dark films. Lewis Carroll’s well-known story has frequently served as an inspiration for filmmakers to explore its darker side, as seen in Tim Burton’s 2010 Alice in Wonderland and indie horror films such as Alice in Murderland. This implies that Chambers has a task ahead of him: coming up with a novel, original method of bringing terror to Alice in Wonderland.
Alice & The Mad Hatter will carry on the TCU’s legacy of scaring audiences by adapting children’s stories into terrifying motion pictures. But unlike the surprise that accompanied the first Winnie the Pooh horror picture, Alice in Wonderland has already been interpreted darkly in the past, so the directors will have to do something fresh.
Within this expanding universe – fans can anticipate additional crossovers and sequels. The TCU is just getting started, with ideas for movies based on Bambi, Pinocchio, and even a third horror picture starring Winnie the Pooh.
For more information, news, and sneak peeks at the Twisted Childhood Universe and its impending horror movies, keep returning to!