“American Sports Story” is a sports drama series telling the story of famous athletes and their struggles. Written by Stu Zicherman and airing on FX, this is an American Story show, produced by people like Ryan Murphy. The first season, “American Sports Story: ‘Aaron Hernandez,’ is one of the episodes of the series concentrating on the life of the ex-NFL football player, who was once on the top and then experienced a tragic ending.
In Episode 3, titled “Pray the Gay Away,” the show addresses Aaron Hernandez’s struggles with two major issues: His marijuana use and his sexuality. It was an idea that these problems deeply impacted his life and his profession.
As the story is being told, it is told that Hernandez had pressure over his sexuality, especially when he was still at the University of Florida. The rumors began to surface in 2009 after Hernandez was involved in a major championship win. These rumors produced paranoia and aggressiveness for him particularly when his teammates were discussing over a ‘gay player’ in the team.
Its also shows one of the dramatic scenes in which a teammate, Tim Tebow calls Hernandez and invites him to church as a way of seeking to solve his issues. Still attempting to live by standards of normativity, Hernandez goes through the trouble of cleaning gay pornography from his computer. However, this effort to hide his true self creates some crises, such as a relapse of drug use and sexual acts.
Despite trying to shed light on the confusion that Hernandez feels regarding his sexuality the show can sometimes be reductive of it. This creates a very major conflict between black and white which may hide the core problems that he had.
“American Sports Story: The title of the work is “Aaron Hernandez” and its purpose is to present the multi-faceted character of a man whose life was tragically cut short. It opens up the viewer to essential questions about identity and the pressures athletes experience but sometimes does not delve into the depth of Hernandez.
To learn more about “American Sports Story” and other captivating stories, please come to our website at tvacute.com for the latest and upcoming episodes preview and review.
American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez – Episode 3 – Recap
American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez Episode 4 Preview