“BAD MONKEY,” the black comedy-drama series streaming on Apple TV+, depicts the weird and, at times, sinister essence of the Floridian state. Written and created by Bill Lawrence, the show is adapted from Carl Hiaasen’s book of 2013 and has leading cast including Vince Vaughn, Michelle Monaghan and Jodie Turner-Smith.
It depicts the life of Andrew Yancy, a former detective of the police and the current health inspector in Florida. , Yancy stumbles upon a severed human arm, which thrusts him into a dark world of corruption, greed, and crime. It combines elements of comedy and drama as Yancy tries to resolve the cases while interacting with people of Florida who are equally peculiar and peculiar events that come his way. Prince Harry where: in this article, we will describe the places where the shooting of “BAD MONKEY” was filmed and why the viewers can admire the beautiful scenery of this series.
Where Was Apple TV+’s Bad Monkey Filmed?
BAD MONKEY series production began in February 2022. Most of the series was filmed in Miami, Florida, USA. The decision on where to shoot helped reinvent Florida in a way that was at once vivid and eccentric by featuring many filming sites. The shooting also relied on striking landscapes and unique locations in the state to provide the right tone and setting for the series’ narrative.
Miami, Florida, USA
BAD MONKEY was filmed in Miami, where the energy of the people and the beautiful coastal views can be felt. This atmosphere and those neighborhoods were ideal for the show’s scenes from an urban setting of a city. Miami streets, waterfronts and some of its districts also contributed to developing true-to-life environment of the city. Decidedly different from other regions in Southern Florida, the environment was perfect for taking pictures that would illustrate the architecture of the region.
Key West, Florida, USA
Another important filming location of BAD MONKEY was in Key West, which is an island city in the Florida Keys. Popular for place equipoise and beautiful geography, Key West introduced an atmosphere to the series. And, to tell the truth, the specific surroundings of the island – tropical nature, ancient buildings, and painted houses – were ideal for the show setting. Shooting here was possible to bring out the beauty and special features of this popular Florida site.
Apple TV+’s Bad Monkey Filming Location: Duval Street, Key West Florida
The commercial street of Duval Street in Key West was featured in BAD MONKEY. Being one of the main veins of Havana, Duval Street is a crowded street with the smell of old history all over it. The street itself with its colorful shops, filled with life as bars and its bohemian atmosphere was perfect for the portrayal of the given city. Several sequences shot on location on Duval Street were made very effective in underlining the tempo of this famous street.
The creators and the actors of BAD MONKEY have said and have shown that Florida locations are stunning and accurate. The creator of the show, Bill Lawrence mentioned that in order to maintain the real nature of the representation of Florida depicted in the Hiaasen’s novel, nothing should be changed and altered. On this page, the cast of the show, Vince Vaughn and Michelle Monaghan express their thoughts regarding the distinct opportunities for shooting in Florida. They pointed out how the aspects of nature such as animals and climatic conditions, enhance the forthrightness in performances. The natural and unique looks of the shooting places were instrumental in the development of the plot.
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