Apple TV+ Bad Sisters Episode 9 Recap: Is John Paul Dead? Explained

Apple TV Plus “Bad Sisters” Episode 8 closed with a rumor we hoped was false. Not so, unfortunately. Episode 9 is a wonderful set-up for the finale, much like the rest of the series. The story’s relevance is commendable. We’re also more certain about John Paul’s death. We have a broad notion of the finale, and a “Bad Sisters” Season 2 is possible, but not likely. We’re disappointed that only one episode remains.   For a detailed explanation of everything that happened in Bad Sisters Episode, 9 Recap continue reading at

Bad Sisters Episode 9 Recap

Matt and Becka finally have the argument that has been boiling in their relationship since the beginning. Becka confronts him about JP’s autopsy, and Matt reveals his reservations about her. They discuss Minna’s cheque and their deaths. Both sides reach a stalemate. Each knew the other’s moves. Becka knew Matt was watching her even when he was with her. Matt knew Becka saw his phone. It was an issue of resolving tension and coming clean. They spend the day together. Tom is stuck after hitting another dead end. He breaks down and tells Theresa what happened. After Michael departs for work, Theresa goes downstairs to find Becka’s address. She had a seizure just before leaving and collapses. Tom returns, having forgotten his wallet. He rushes Theresa to the hospital. Tom is holding back emotions when Matt arrives since he may lose his wife and child. Matt reassures him he’ll handle everything. We’ve never seen Matt useful before. He inquires in a pub. He learns Becka was drinking when JP died. The sisters lied about spending the night together. This information could be the first crack in their story. Tom could use this silver lining, given his predicament. The “Bad Sisters” Season 1 finale comes next week.

What Followed Minna’s Death in Bad Sisters Episode 9 Recap

Last week, we guessed correctly that Becka froze Minna after JP didn’t come up because of Ben. Becka is near tears as she realizes what’s happening when she sees him outside her door. She goes to Minna’s house to check, requesting her sisters to cover. JP arrives, allowing her time to hide. JP finds his frozen mother and father in the freezer. Her hubby was always there. Minna was only acting. She was scared for her safety, perhaps. Maybe she accepted it all to get her kid back. She knew her spouse was around and accepted the situation. JP’s shocked by her appearance. He laughs then sobs. JP is shrewd. Because he doesn’t want the freezer probed, he pretends his mother died in her sleep.

The sisters know what happened when Minna dies. They try to find George in the freezer to use against him, but they don’t find him. JP’s body was moved or disposed of. JP catches them leaving and informs Becka he removed Minna’s nose piercing. Becka drinks at her grave inconsolably. Officers catch her and take her to Eva’s, but not before she confesses. They call it drunken rambling. Eva is upset at JP because he undermines her at work and thinks Becka and the sisters of being engaged in his previous events. Eva decides they must act, though. Grace does the deed in Wicklow on her birthday. As usual, plans fall through.

Bad Sisters Episode 9 Ending – Is John Paul Dead?

bad sisters eps 9 recap

Roger observes Oscar. the site of a grave when guests arrive at JP’s home for Minna’s funeral and realizes that JP is the one who set up the trap for him. He approaches JP to inquire as to why he has done this while he and Grace are in Wicklow. JP admits that he disliked him around his family and considered him to be beneath him. After simply forgiving him, Roger walks away. Grace may have helped arrange for his arrival or, at the very least, may have overheard the conversation, according to our suspicions. The sisters were obviously not together that evening. Becka is in the bar, Ursula meets Ben, Bibi is jogging, Eva has a restless night in bed, and Bibi is out running. They all set out to meet Grace the following morning, and to their surprise, they discover a police van waiting outside. As Grace informs the sisters that JP has passed away, she is in tears. The “prick” is no longer alive after all this time. However, it remains to be seen whether the news is actually good or not.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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