B Positive is an American television sitcom produced by Marco Pennette, who also serves as an executive producer for Warner Bros. Television alongside Chuck Lorre. The multi-camera series premiered on CBS on November 5, 2020. The comedy is based on the true-life of series creator Marco Pennette, who underwent kidney transplant surgery in 2013. The show has been renewed for a second season, which will air on October 14, 2021. The plot revolves around a therapist and newly divorced parent who is in need of a kidney donor due to his B-positive blood type. When his family fails to provide a match, a woman from his past offers him one of hers. Truly fans are curious about what happens next, To help you better grasp B Positive Season 2 Episode 7 titled “A Camper, a Compass and a Cannoli” a synopsis and the promo from www.tvacute.com are included below. .
B-Positive Season 2 Episode 8 Release Date
B-Positive Season 2 Episode 7 Recap
B-Positive Episode 207 Synopsis: Gina brings her dog Cannoli to the retirement home where he bonds with the seniors; Drew prepares for his new life driving cross country in a camper van.
It's December 1st and the crew is already looking festive in this week's *new* #BPositive. Who else is in the holiday spirit? pic.twitter.com/DhHbtpI4Lz
— B Positive (@BPositive) December 1, 2021
B-Positive Season 2 Episode 7 Release Date
B Positive season 2 episode 7 will release on CBS at 9:30 pm on December 2, 2021. If you missed the broadcast, you may watch it on CBS’ official website or Paramount+. Hulu+Live TV, DirecTV, Xfinity, YouTube TV, Spectrum, and Fubo TV also have the forthcoming episode. Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, iTunes, Google Play, and Microsoft Store all offer on-demand viewing.
The regular cast includes Annaleigh Ashford as Gina, Thomas Middleditch as Drew, Kether Donohue as Gabby, Sara Rue as Julia, Izzy G. as Maddie, Terrence Terrell as Eli, Linda Lavin as Norma and David Anthony Higgins as Jerry.