Directed by Shannon Murphy, a drama movie which is based on Babyteeth by Rita Kalnejais the same name follows a couple who discover their seriously ill teenage daughter has fallen in love with a small-time drug dealer.
Babyteeth Movie Coming To June 19th. watch the trailer below.
When seriously ill teenager Milla falls madly in love with smalltime drug dealer Moses, it’s her parents’ worst nightmare. But as Milla’s first brush with love brings her a new lust for life, things get messy and traditional morals go out the window. Milla soon shows everyone in her orbit – her parents, Moses, a sensitive music teacher, a budding child violinist, and a disarmingly honest, pregnant neighbour – how to live like you have nothing to lose. What might have been a disaster for the Finlay family instead leads to letting go and finding grace in the glorious chaos of life.
Babyteeth Movie Cast
Ben Mendelsohn as Henry Finlay
Essie Davis as Anna Finlay
Eliza Scanlen as Milla Finlay
Toby Wallace as Moses
Emily Barclay as Toby
Eugene Gilfedder as Gidon
Andrea Demetriades as Jenny