Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker’s dystopian anthology series, returns after a four-year hiatus. The show continues to explore society’s dangerous reliance on technology in a twisted and dark manner. “Loch Henry” is the second episode from Season 6 of the TV show Black Mirror. viewers are taken on a chilling exploration of our obsession with true crime. The story is expertly crafted and features a surprising twist that leaves you on the edge of your seat.
The second episode of Season 6 takes us on a journey to Scotland, marking the show’s first-ever visit to this picturesque country. The episode is set in the quaint and fictional town of Loch Henry, adding a new and exciting dimension to the series. An intriguing new drama follows the journey of Davis and Pia, a young filmmaking couple. Along the way, they pay a visit to Davis’ mother Janet adding an unexpected twist to their adventure. Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 2 delivers an exciting conclusion that you won’t want to miss. If you did miss it, don’t worry – our recap on ( has got you covered.
Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 2 Recap: Loch Henry
The focus of the episode is a documentary-making pair named Pia (Myha’la Herrold) and Davis (Samuel Blenkin) who go to a Scottish town to work on a nature documentary. They are drawn to a local real crime story, though, about a farmer lad named Iain Adair who killed many people before shooting Davis’s father, a police officer, and himself.
As Pia and Davis investigate the case further, they come upon a distressing video that links Janet (Monica Dolan), Davis’ mother, to the atrocities. While Davis’s father provides narration, the video depicts Janet torturing a missing couple while wearing a nurse’s uniform and a red mask. When Pia discovers Janet is the culprit, she tries to get away, but Janet follows her. Pia eventually stumbles into a stream, where she probably drowns.
Janet hangs herself afterward, leaving a box of artifacts and a letter for Davis. Once Davis is interviewed in a documentary-style format, it is revealed that the events have been put into a film called “Loch Henry: Truth Will Out.” The documentary reveals Davis’s parents were complicit in the atrocities, with Davis’s father Kenneth shooting the Adair family and then hurting himself to hide his involvement.
In the documentary’s trailer, Davis is seen sobbing as she accepts the BAFTA award for the series. The owner of Historik Productions dedicates the prize to Davis and his late lover Pia during the award ceremony. After, Davis gets a note from his mother, which he reads and opens, making him cry as he admires the BAFTA.
As the episode comes to a close, Davis is sitting by alone in his hotel room sipping champagne and reflecting on the events, while the locals in the town are all donning the same red mask as Janet. Davis’s emotional state is shown in the final shot, which also features the BAFTA award, the note from his mother, and his tears.
Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Joan Is Awful