“Boy Swallows Universe,” a Netflix series that aims to transport viewers to the maze-like streets of 1980s Brisbane. This series tells the story of a young person coming of age in a family. Eli Bell’s life struggles with the difficulties of growing up with a missing father, a mute brother, a mother who is recovering from addiction, a stepfather who sells heroin, and a babysitter who is a notorious criminal. The question of where the “Boy Swallows Universe” story comes from in real life is an interesting one that gives it more meaning. tvacute delves into the details.
Where was Netflix’s Boy Swallows Universe filmed?
Is Boy Swallows Universe Based on Real Events?
Yes, the Netflix Series Boy Swallows Universe is based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Trent Dalton. The original novel’s author, Dalton, a writer who won the Walkley Award, got ideas from things that happened to him as a child. The book is based on Dalton’s memories of a rough childhood that was shaped by his criminal stepfather Slim Halliday and a family friend who was a murderer who escaped prison.
A talented group of artists and writers have come together to turn Trent Dalton’s famous book into a Netflix series. A seasoned scriptwriter named John Collee is in charge of turning Dalton’s complicated story into a movie. Bharat Nalluri, Jocelyn Moorhouse, and Kim Mordaunt are the three directors who work together to make an interesting visual experience.
The main character of the book, Eli Bell, is a lot like Dalton’s own trip, and parts of the story are very similar to parts of Dalton’s own life.  There are some made-up parts and creative writing in the book, but the emotional core of the story comes from the author’s real life. In many ways, Dalton’s problems and the questions he tried to answer as a child can be seen in Eli’s journey.