Bull Season 6 Episode 13 | “The Hard Right” | Photos | Promo | Guest Cast

In the previous episode of Bull Season 6, the FBI arrived at an insurance company. They began searching the firm’s papers for evidence of embezzlement.  Bull’s brother Jacob returned in his life. To understand more about episode 12, keep reading the recap section. Bull is nearing the end – this is the final season. Now fans are excited to see the new season. So, here’s what’s in store for season 6 episode 13 of ‘Bull’! www.tvacute.com’s everything we know so far about the new episode, including the premiere date, and plot.

Bull Season 6 Episode 14 Release Date

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Spoilers

“The Hard Right” is the title of the thirteenth episode of Bull Season 6. Bull will be approached by a doctor who is an Army Psychiatrist friend. To save a sergeant, the man seeks Bull’s assistance in constructing a diminished capacity defense. The officer is suspected of murdering a fellow soldier, one of the most serious offenses in the service. As a result, when Bull and his buddies go against the views of their own peers, the issue becomes complicated. Meanwhile, Marissa (Geneva Carr) has a crush on her French art dealer outside of court. Edward Akrout is returning Henri Fray (Edward Akrout), Marissa’s art dealer and a French gallery owner in need of legal aid to stop an auction house from selling a piece of art that should be repatriated are introduced in this episode as a new romantic interest for Marissa (Geneva Carr). Is this connection going to last now?

Who is the Guest Cast in Bull Season 6 Episode 13?

Lou Diamond Phillips Guest Stars as Bull’s Friend,
Colonel Victor Taggert, a U.S. Army Psychiatrist
Edward Akrout Debuts in a Recurring Role as Henri Fray

Prodigal Son, Lou Diamond Phillips is back this week on a procedural, although a judicial procedural rather than a crime drama. In the March 3 episode of Bull, he will appear as a guest star, and he seeks assistance from an old friend, Jason (Michael Weatherly). Will that sergeant, Carter Bly (Michael Olberholtzer), tell Taggert, Bull, and Chunk Palmer (Christopher Jackson) the same story?

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Synopsis: Bull helps his friend, Army psychiatrist Colonel Victor Taggert (Lou Diamond Phillips), mount a diminished capacity defense for a sergeant accused of killing a fellow soldier. Also, Marissa forges a romantic connection with her art dealer, Henri Fray (Edward Akrout), a French gallery owner in need of legal assistance to stop an auction house from selling a piece of art that should be repatriated.

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Cast

REGULAR CAST: Michael Weatherly (Dr. Jason Bull) Yara Martinez (Isabella “Izzy” Colón) Geneva Carr (Marissa Morgan) Jamie Lee Kirchner (Danny James) Christopher Jackson (Chunk Palmer) MacKenzie Meehan (Taylor Rentzel) RECURRING CAST: Jazzy Kae (Anna Baker) Edward Akrout (Henri Fray)

GUEST CAST: Lou Diamond Phillips (Colonel Victor Taggert) Michael Olberholtzer (Sergeant Carter Bly) K.K. Moggie (ADA Thomas) Philip Hoffman (Judge Naumann) Evangeline Young (Trish Wells) James Andrew Walsh (Bernard Ratliff) Brian Wolfe (Sergeant Nathan Wells) Alex Ross (Sergeant Nathan Wells) Ura Yoana Sanchez (Jury Forewoman) Zach Chyz (Gate MP) Omar Ghonim (Post MP) John Wu (Range Master) Tyler Hopkins (Soldier #1) Darrin D. Hickok (Soldier #2) WRITTEN BY: Chandus Jackson DIRECTED BY: Martha Mitchell

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Release Date

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 will release on Thursday, March 3 at 10 pm ET/PT. on CBS.. If you missed the broadcast on television you can watch the show on CBS’ official website. The season premiere will also be available to watch on Paramount+, Fubo TV, YouTube TV, Hulu+Live TV, Xfinity, and DirecTV. On Spectrum, iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and Vudu, you can buy or rent the latest episodes or prior seasons of ‘Bull.’

Bull Season 6 Episode 13 Photos

Bull Season 6 Episode 12 Recap

In the previous episode, the FBI arrived at an insurance company. They began searching the firm’s papers for evidence of embezzlement. As he fell off the skyscraper, one of the firm’s executives appeared apprehensive.. Later, Marissa and Bull meet with the man’s son, who also works at the company. He had no notion his father was stealing money. Bull defers to Marissa on whether or not they want to take the case. Yes, she says. Following their exit from the room, Marissa informs Bull of a man she has been conversing with who is attempting to contact Bull. The man enters at that precise moment. Bull immediately engages in combat with him. They are squabbling on the floor. Everyone is stunned. Bull’s wife enters the room. She dismantles them. Bull is seated, and her brother Jared is seated. They agree to talk over dinner the next night. Jared expresses his regret to Marissa. She dismisses him.

Bull and Marissa return to their case, trying to figure out who they want on their jury. They choose to look for loners who enjoy cats. After a series of intriguing inquiries, they locate their jurors. Danny encounters a doorman who informs her about their client Timmy in an informal manner. He met with his father in private. They confront their customer back at the firm. He claims to know what his father did a day, not minutes before it happened. His father presented him with a photograph of a happier point in his life. In the frame, they find a bitcoin wallet. Bull wants to keep everything under wraps, and the squad doesn’t want to go into any difficulty. Timothy is shown in court as knowledgeable and close to his father. Bull’s brother arrives later that evening. Izzy spends the entire night as a referee. His brother has come to see if they can sell the family’s land.

Bull is adamant about not doing so. He also inherited his sister’s share, which he will not sell. Jake becomes agitated and goes to the bathroom. He emerges and announces his departure. Bull notices he’s behaving strangely and notices he has something in his pocket. He demanded that he be shown. He attempted to rob a jewelry store. He walks away after declaring himself to be the loser Bull depicted him to be. Bull lies in bed that night, venting to Izzy about his brother and how he has never stolen before. After a fight over their sister’s bad relationship, which ended to her death, the two stopped speaking.After Danny assists him, Bull tracks down his brother at a seedy motel. His younger brother’s face is swollen and damaged. After losing money on an investment, he was beaten up. They have a heart-to-heart discussion. Jake owes the money to Debreeze, a new acquaintance. Bull extends an invitation to him to return to his home.

Marissa and Taylor decipher the bitcoin code. They gain access. Timothy declares in court that he will hand over all of the bitcoin money to his father’s victims. Bull later decides to play the man who beat upon his brother. They engage in a game of Black Jack. If Bull wins, Jake is free to walk or the man is paid twice as much. Jake is concerned, but Bull triumphs after a tight match. Bull’s client is only charged with misdemeanors and will serve no time in prison. Jake says his goodbyes to Bull in the office. He’ll be gone for a while. He offers him a snapshot of them with their sister before he leaves. Bull recalls happier days.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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