As the final installment of season 12 of Call the Midwife aired on PBS, viewers were taken on an emotional roller coaster as they witnessed births, deaths, and marriages. Fans were excited to see Trixie Franklin’s (Helen George) character finally find happiness when she married Matthew Aylward, but the show’s signature heartbreaking twist left them reeling. What exactly happened in the season 12 finale of Call the Midwife? All the information you require is at
Call the Midwife Season 12 Episode 8 Recap
Tears of joy were shed at Trixie’s wedding, and tears of grief were shed at Poplar’s tragic loss. Shelagh Turner, Dr. Patrick Turner, and their son Timothy (Max McMillan) were running late because they had to deal with a new mother drama as the rest of our Nonnatus House favorites walked to the church to watch Trixie become Mrs. Alyward.
On the way to the wedding, however, tragedy struck when a pregnant woman was injured in a car accident and had to be taken to the emergency room. Dr. Turner pronounced expectant mother Lizzie dead after she was pulled from the burning car and had to deliver a last-minute c-section in the middle of the road to rescue her unborn child, and the scenes were heartbreaking for viewers. Shelagh walked Lizzie, who was already dead, through the birth of her daughter, describing her appearance exactly as she would to any other patient. This caused Lizzie’s husband, who watched helplessly, much more pain.
Does Matthew propose to Trixie in Call the Midwife Season 12 Finale?
Yes! After much hardship, Trixie found her happily ever after and wed in a grand ceremony attended by all her loved ones. After a series of mishaps—including a fire at the wedding reception venue—threatened to derail Trixie and Matthew’s nuptials, her brother Geoffrey flew in from out of town to help save the day, alongside Nurse Crane. We don’t know what Trixie’s future contains now that she’s left Nonnatus House, however, we are certain that she and Matthew will have a dramatic wedding… “It’ll be interesting to see where they end up living,” Helen said to us. It’s guaranteed to be an intense union, though. I don’t see them staying at home together and buying a bunch of kittens since they both really test each other.
The 12th season of Call the Midwife left viewers wondering what became of Sister Monica Joan.Â
Retired midwife Sister Monica Joan (Judy Parfitt), now in her 90s, has retained some of her feistiness despite facing challenges such as isolation and a severe bout of hepatitis that swept around Poplar this season. When she became visibly ill and refused food and her normal go-to evening prayer, viewers worried for her safety. The good news is that Sister Monica Joan rallied, as she usually does, and by the conclusion of season 12 she was back to full health and giving a moving passage at Trixie and Matthew’s wedding.