“Lover Stalker Killer,” a gripping true crime documentary on Netflix, looks into the mysterious disappearance and sad death of Cari Farver. It tells a story of love, obsession, and a shocking turn of events. The series carefully relates the events that happened before Cari disappeared and the investigation that found a web of lies and danger. The documentary highlights the mysterious people who are involved in her story. As we look at different parts of this interesting story, tvacute learns more about who Cari Farver was, how her disappearance affected her family, and the people who were left behind.
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Who is Cari Farver?
Cari Lea Farver was born on November 30, 1974, and lived in Macedonia, Iowa. She worked hard as a computer programmer. Aside from her work in Omaha, Nebraska, Cari was a loving daughter to her mother Nancey Raney, and a caring mother to her son Maxwell. Her life took a sad turn when she left without a trace at the age of 37, leaving her family and friends wondering what happened.
People became more suspicious when Cari missed important family events, like her son Maxwell’s 15th birthday. Cari had never missed such an important family event before. She was known for always being there for her family. Nancey texted Cari’s phone to try to figure out what was going on because she was worried about her daughter’s sudden change in behavior. It started with a string of unsettling comments that left more questions than they answered.
People didn’t believe Nancey when she tried to get the police involved and let them know that Cari had been diagnosed with depression and bipolar illness. Police said that Cari’s disappearance was caused by her acting strangely after she stopped taking her medicine, which Nancey didn’t agree with. Even though there were problems, Nancey was still determined to find her daughter. The truth slowly came out that Shanna Liz Golyar was the person who killed Cari Farver with a knife in her car in November 2012.
Where is Cari Farver’s Son Maxwell Now?
Cari Farver’s son Maxwell Farver now lives with his grandma Nancy Raney. He finds comfort and support in the home where memories of Cari still linger. Following in his mother’s lines, Maxwell is making his way in the world of technology. Maxwell is on track to finish from Iowa State University in December 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and Data Science.
Maxwell Farver is dedicated to more than just school; he is also an Application Developer Intern at CO-OP Financial Services. In keeping with his mother’s legacy, Maxwell has even made a digital profile for himself through his website, which gives him more chances and skills. He is married to Sara high school sweetheart after meeting in kindergarten. Almost two years after they graduated, in January of 2018, he proposed. Now he lives a happily married life withe their kids.
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