This Friday, the CW’s magical trio Charmed stepped in. The series has been centered around the bond between chartered sisters and people. Which was important for Josefina (played by Mareya Salazar) as her powers were revealed. Now she is coming back to Puerto Ricco School. With the help of a new member Josephina, the three sisters have taken possession of the Book of Shadows. On the other hand, both Macy (played by Madeleine Mantock) and Harry’s love have already made a lot of sacrifices. Do they now have to think again about their relationship due to allergies? What’s going on in the next Charmed Season 3 Episode 12 titled “Spectral Healing”? Want to know more about this episode. Let’s dive into the promo and synopsis below.
Charmed Episode 312 Synopsis WISH YOU WERE HERE – The Charmed Ones (Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery) discover a letter from their mother that may hold answers to burning questions; meanwhile, Harry (Rupert Evans) considers a life-changing decision and Jordan’s (Jordan Donica) good-will gets him into trouble. Also starring Poppy Drayton. Charmed Season 3 Episode 12 will return on Friday, May 14 at 8:00-9:00 p.m. ET on The CW. Jacquie Gould directed the episode written by Tommy Cook & Nicki Renna