Directed by Daniel Johns, is set to take viewers on a wild voyage back to the 1990s. The trailer for Daniel Johns’ semi-autobiographical film What If The Future Never Happened? was published on May 30. The soundtrack for the upcoming film, directed by James Medlam and featuring Rasmus King in the lead character, will comprise cuts from Johns’ current album FutureNever, mixed with orchestral reinterpretations of Silverchair hits.
What If the Future Never Happened, a planned 30-minute film based on the life of Daniel Johns and co-written and co-produced by Daniel’s brother Heath, stars Rasmus King as a teen rockstar Daniel.
The film is set in regional Australia in 1994, “only months before a teenage rockstar named Daniel (Rasmus King) would conquer the global music industry.” Daniel meets a mysterious individual from the future who ‘will change Daniel’s Tomorrow forever’ while avoiding the everyday abuse of three local bullies.”
Daniel Johns:Â Future Never Movie Trailer
Daniel Johns: What If The Future Never Happened? Release Date
A feature-length sequel is presently under pre-production, with a release date to be revealed.
What If The Future Didn’t Exist? is the most recent and interesting addition to Johns’ FutureNever period. The titular album has established ARIA chart history by becoming the longest-running top 10 album in Australia in 2022.
After pleading guilty to high-range drunk driving following a car accident in March, Daniel Johns is scheduled to appear in court on June 22.