NBC’s science-fiction drama series “Debris” is ready for the next new episode 12 titled “A Message from Ground Control”, which is coming next week. This will be its penultimate episode. Because the first season of the total has 13 episodes. Debris’s season finale episode “Celestial Body” will air on May 24. To know more about the episode, let’s dive into the below photos and promos.
Synopsis: As George grows closer to finding what he is after, the Debris that Orbital has collected begins a mysterious process. Debris Episode 12 release date is May, 17 at 10:01 PM – 11:00 PM on NBC.Â
Debris Season 1 Episode 12 Photos
Debris Season 1 Cast
Jonathan Tucker as Bryan Beneventi, a CIA operative Riann Steele as Finola Jones, who is an MI6 operative, Norbert Leo Butz as Craig Maddox, Scroobius Pip as Anson Ash, who is a member of Influx.