DC Universe Superhero Series Doom Patrol created by Jeremy Carver which is premiered on June 25, 2020, for the second season, on both DC Universe and HBO Max. Now the series has completed only three episodes. here we have everything about episode four of season 2 including photos, promo, and the synopsis. let’s start.
Sex Patrol” is the title of episode 4 of season 2 that was written by Eric Dietel & Tanya Steele.
Reads a synopsis of Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4
When the Dannyzens throw a massive party at Doom Manor to resuscitate Danny the Brick, Dorothy longs to join the festivities and experience life as a grown-up. As the party rages on, Rita asks Flex Mentallo (guest star DEVAN CHANDLER LONG) to help unleash her full potential – which has some dangerously racy consequences.
Watch Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Promo
Watch Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Photos
HBO Max and DC Universe have dropped out the photos for the fourth episode of Doom Patrol Season 2 check it out below…
Photo Credits: DC Universe