Elite Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: What happened to Iván?

The majority of viewers have already begun binge-watching Elite season 6 because it is already available on Netflix. It’s hardly surprising that many viewers are tuned in for the sixth season because the startling cliffhanger in the season 5 finale left them hanging. The first episode’s title is “Anxiety.” Following their determination to avoid letting the burden of their family’s baggage hold them back, Ari Blanco (Carla Díaz), Menca, and Patrick Blanco (Manu Ríos) return to school. Isa’s new club has a successful opening night. Samuel’s demise was revealed in the sixth season’s official synopsis, which was made public. If you recall, in the season 5 finale, Samuel was injured following a fight with Benjamín Blanco (Diego Martín) when he fell and smacked his head on the edge of the pool. For a detailed explanation of everything that happened in Elite Season 6 Episode 1 Recap continue reading the recap at tvacute.com.

Elite Season 6 Episode 1 Recap “Anxiety”

Iván (André Lamoglia) walks along the street in the opening scene of the first episode before signaling for a vehicle. Iván is struck by the automobile as it slows down and then accelerates. The automobile stops as Iván is unconsciously sprawled on the ground. The title card appears after that. Every season has a secret that has to be solved. Finding out who hit Iván this season appears to be the main mystery. Following the title card, Ari is seen visiting her father in jail. Benjamín informs Ari that he is attempting to establish his innocence in Samuel’s killing in order to be set free. He advises her to return to Las Encinas with her siblings so they can appear to be living normal lives. He thinks that by doing this, he won’t appear to be a target. Benjamín threatens to cut off Patrick and Menca’s financial support if they don’t agree to go back to school when Ari informs him that they won’t. Then Ari decides to assist her father.

The scene now shifts to Las Encinas’ new academic year. Virginia is the new principal of the school. Everyone is judging Patrick, Menca, and Ari differently as a result of their father, therefore they are having a difficult time adjusting. Patrick, though, feels better after he and Iván declare their relationship to be a boyfriend. Menca and Sara, the new girl, had a bad start in the meanwhile. We later meet Nico, a different new pupil. When he presents himself to Patrick and Iván in the showers, we learn that he is a trans guy. When he subsequently meets Ari, they disagree over the gender of the former. It’s clear that there is sexual chemistry among them, though.

Isadora puts an end to their argument and extends an invitation to her new playhouse’s opening night to the entire class. But she continues to cope with the sexual assault she experienced the season before. She is eagerly anticipating the conclusion of the case and the imprisonment of Hugo, Alex, and Javi. Isadora received anxiety medicine as well, but she stopped using it. She feels that the support of her family is all she needs and not the medications.Everyone is having fun at Isadora’s party when the scene cuts to it. Isadora gets dressed in her apartment upstairs as her mother enters. Isadora is glad to see her mother, but she isn’t particularly concerned about how she is doing. She’s more concerned about how she seems. Menca smirks at Sara from across the room during the party, hinting that they could have a love relationship in the future. Ral, though, is Sara’s boyfriend. At the party, they get to know one another better, but afterward, Sara informs Menca and Ral that she must go because of a class the next day.

Elite Season 6 Episode 1 Recap

Ari gets envious when she sees Nico kissing a female somewhere else during the party. Iván and Patrick get into a fight because Iván still has affection for Ari in Patrick’s eyes. Patrick is reassured by Iván that he is the only one he wants. Patrick, though, is still unconvinced. Then, while Nico was kissing the female, Ari pulled him away. However, Ari’s inebriated antics and the remarks she makes rapidly turn Nico off, so he sends her home in a cab. Ral extends Menca a return invitation to his and Sara’s home in the meanwhile. They startle Sara as they open the door. Sara observes while Menca and Raal dance together. Then she informs Menca that she must depart. Isadora’s mother gives bad news to her back at the hotel. Her mother informs her that the sexual assault was not shown to have occurred and that her case will be dropped and not go to trial. Isadora cuts the conversation off and starts shaking right away. Eventually, she comes upon narcotics and uses them.

Elite Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Ending!

Elite Season 6 -Episode 1- Recap

Isadora is discovered asleep on the floor as Bilal prepares to carry towels to her room. Isadora is put in a bathtub to awaken her by him and a brand-new character named Ddac. After rising, she reprimands Bilal. Isadora is told to cover up by Ddac as he cleans her room since he finds her to be uncomfortable in her swimsuit. After speaking with him briefly, Isadora dismisses Ddac. Cruz kisses Patrick at the party, and Iván stops them. Iván and Patrick dispute, and then Iván storms away. Everyone is back at school the next morning, still in shock over what transpired at the party. Iván searches social media and discovers a video of Cruz and Patrick sharing a kiss.


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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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