[Season Finale] The Last of Us Episode 9 Recap: Ending Explained!

Time for The Last of Us’ conclusion! Audiences have been on this amazing trip with Joel and Ellie for nearly two months and watching their trauma each week. The show demonstrates how fear and love still exist in the post-apocalyptic world and that humans remain the most dangerous species. In the final episode of Season 1, Ellie and Joel arrive at their goal, and all their feelings will reach a boiling point. Another heartbreaking hour, The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 9 also foreshadowed some upcoming events for The Last of Us Season 2.  (tvacute.com) Here is all you need to know about the conclusion of The Last of Us Episode 9, in case you missed any of the exciting moments.

The Last of Us Episode 9 Recap

Ellie’s mother, Anna, is introduced to us via a flashback.

A pregnant woman running through the woods in a yellow dress and tennis shoes enters a house, immediately locks herself inside an upstairs room, and sits on the floor with her back to the wall. The house is being attacked while the mother is giving birth. The woman, whose name is Anna, fought off a clicker alone in an abandoned farmhouse. Unfortunately for Anna, she was bitten on the thigh by the infected before she could finish it off. Luckily for Ellie, the bite occurred before Anna severed her umbilical cord (You’ll recognize the knife she’s holding as belonging to Ellie), which probably contributed to Ellie’s resistance to the Cordyceps infection.

Anna is still there when Marlene and a man arrive at the residence. Marlene apologizes for the delay and explains that they were unable to exit the QZ. Ellie needs to feed, Anna adds, because she didn’t want to nurse her after being bitten. Then, she gives Marlene the order to send Ellie to Boston and hands her the knife after lying and saying that she cut the chord before the attack. Marlene cries out but Anna is adamant. Despite her initial resistance, Marlene eventually passes the child over to her friend and shoots Anna in the head before the Cordyceps can transform her.

At Salt Lake City

When we return to the present, we find Joel and Ellie in Salt Lake City, where the Fireflies have established a new medical clinic. After entering an incomplete building to survey the area, Joel realizes Ellie has grown considerably more reclusive since her trauma with the creatures who almost ate her. Ellie spots a giraffe munching on a few of the flora adjacent to the structure. While Joel is assisting her in feeding it, he considers abandoning his trip to the Fireflies in favor of returning to his brother Tommy.

But flash bangs incapacitate Joel and Ellie as they approach the hospital where the Fireflies are headquartered. As Marlene and the guards look on, Joel wakes up in their possession. He finds out that Ellie is preparing for a fatal operation in which surgeons will destroy the region of her brain responsible for creating the chemical that protects her from the fungal infection. After being violently attacked from the grounds by Marlene’s security, Joel murders them and then sets out to rescue Ellie.

Joel fights his way thru the Fireflies, killing anybody he encounters, even if they surrender, so that no one survives who knows Ellie’s capabilities. After finding Ellie under anesthesia, Joel approaches the operating table and immediately interrupts the procedure, saving the nurses but shooting the surgeon when he tries to stop. In the hospital parking lot, Marlene finds Joel holding an unconscious Ellie and threatens him with a gun unless he gives up Ellie so that the vaccine may be made. Unable to accept this ultimatum, Joel shoots Marlene as she relaxes in her car with Ellie and flees Salt Lake City.

As traveling down the highway, she begins to come back to life. Ellie sees that the Fireflies didn’t bring back Joel’s clothes when they left the hospital, casting doubt on his assertion that they had given up attempting to find a cure for her and other potential patients.

The Last of Us Episode 9 Recap: Ending Explained!

In Wyoming, their vehicle crashes. they travel the remaining distance to Tommy’s mountainous village.  Together, they attempt to put their recent tragedy in the past and look ahead to an unknown future. Joel, the most talkative Kathy, spends the five hours back to Jackson reminiscing about the times he and Sarah went on hikes and how well Sarah and Ellie would have gotten along. I understand that his newfound willingness to communicate is motivated in large part by regret, but seeing him make such an earnest effort to connect with her just before it’s too late truly hurts.

When they climb a hill, they can finally make see Jackson in the far. But Ellie has a few words to say before they go on their way. You told me about my first murder way back when we were in Kansas City, she recalls. She explains to him how she and Riley were bitten in the mall and how she ultimately had to kill Riley because the fungus had taken over, explaining details we didn’t see in Episode 7.

Clearly, Ellie has some feelings of remorse for the deaths of Riley, Tess, and Sam, as well as anyone else in her inner circle. Joel tries to reassure her by saying that life doesn’t always go as planned, but that “if you just keep going, you find something new to fight for.” That’s nice and all, but in three, two, three, he’ll screw everything up. “Promise me. “I need you to swear to me that what you just told me about the Fireflies is accurate,” she adds, cutting him off. With an “I swear” he responds. She has doubts about his honesty. She has figured out that he is lying. But she only nods and says, “Fine,” and the conversation ends there.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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