Dan Perlman begins his new dark comic web series Flatbush Misdemeanors to show his side of New York City through his own eyes. The half-hour comedy, created, written and starring Kevin Iso and Dan Perlman, has a total of 10 episodes. And now the show has reached medium. We have the photos and synopsis of the next new episode 5 (titled: dub) of Flatbush Misdemeanors. check out below.
Flatbush Misdemeanors Episode 5 Synopsis: Dan vies for a position as head coach of his school’s basketball team. Kevin has a surprising encounter with Drew that begins a shift in their dynamic. Zayna, suspended from the dance team for her fight with Dami, has to figure out how to deal with the consequences.
Flatbush Misdemeanors Season 1 Episode 5 Photos
Flatbush Misdemeanors Season 1 Episode 5 will release on Sunday, Jun 20 at 10:25 PM ET/PT on Showtime.