ABC’s legal drama series For Life which is created by Hank Steinberg premiered on February 11, 2020, based on the true story of Isaac Wright Jr. Now For Life will be a comeback after a week as Aaron must defend Cassius Dawkins, while Marie battles with the turn of events in her relationship with Aaron. Special guest starring in “Daylight” which is the title of episode eighth is Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson as Cassius Dawkins.
So right now, we are going to discuss For Life Episode 8 discharge date and spoilers. Once more, let me advise you that this post will contain spoilers for the upcoming For Life episodes. So if you don’t want to need your — true story experience ruined, then it is best to quit reading at this point.
When is For Life Episode 8 Release Date?
For Life Episode 8 will be released on TUESDAY, APRIL 7 10:00-11:00 p.m. EDTÂ on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on-demand and Hulu.
Before we can look further into the spoilers for For Life Season 1 Episode 8, let us take a short recap of what occurred in For Life Episode 7 so we can see how the story will unfurl.
For Life Episode 7 Recap
Aaron battles to adjust the requests of his own case with the requirements of a prisoner who’s battling for the option to wed his withering sweetheart. Safiya resists the jail board, adequately risking Anya’s crusade just as their marriage.”
For Life Episode 8 Preview
you happen to be interested in regards to what For Life Episode 8 will bring us, we have the episode’s preview, synopsis, and photos you can check it on the below.
“Daylight” – In order to maintain his lifeline to the outside world, Aaron is forced to defend Cassius Dawkins when he puts three white supremacists in the hospital. Marie struggles with her feelings for Aaron after he signs her divorce papers, and Roswell pushes Safiya to request an inmate transfer to Bellmore, claiming his case could help Aaron’s. Plus, Anya goes against her campaign staff’s wishes, engaging in a town hall at Bellmore.
 Check out Promo
“For Life” stars Nicholas Pinnock as Aaron Wallace, Indira Varma as Safiya Masry, Joy Bryant as Marie Wallace, Mary Stuart Masterson as Anya Harrison, Boris McGiver as DA Maskins, Glenn Fleshler as Frank Foster, Dorian Missick as Jamal Bishop, Tyla Harris as Jasmine Wallace and Timothy Busfield as Henry Roswell.
For Life Episode 8 Photos
Guest-starring is Brandon J. Dirden as Darius Johnson, Peter Greene as Wild Bill Miller, Marcus Lavoi as Nathan Goodleaf, Johanna Day as Andrea Kayser, Marjan Neshat as Dr. Vanessa Hamid, Toney Goins as Ronnie Baxter, Gregg Daniel as Easley Barton, Felonious Munk as Hassan Nawaz, Sean Ringgold as Huey Cornell and Hassan Johnson as Bobby Latimer.