Ryan Murphy’s “9-1-1” returns to Fox on Monday with its fourth season premiere, titled “The New Abnormal,” which follows after crashes the Hollywood Reservoir dam, the team Saves bus passengers, and many more lives. So the second episode will start from where the first episode ends.
The season 4 episode 2 title is “Alone Together”. Fox also sent out a synopsis, which you can read here; In the aftermath of the dam break, massive mudslides wreak havoc throughout Los Angeles. As Athena fights to save herself and an agoraphobic woman after her house collapses, Bobby, Hen, and Eddie rush to save hikers endangered by the falling of the Hollywood sign. Meanwhile, Buck and Chimney must rescue a group of pregnant women trapped in a submerged house.
911 Season 4 Episode 2 will air on Jan 25 on FOX.Â
Featured Photo: EW