The newest hit on Netflix, “Boy Swallows Universe,” based on Trent Dalton’s best-selling book, this exciting seven-part series takes fans back to Brisbane in the 1980s. The story is about a young boy named Eli Bell who has to deal with the harsh facts of life in a family that is full of problems and complexity. One interesting character in “Boy Swallows Universe” is Frances played by Phoebe Tonkin. Fans and watchers may be interested in where this character came from: is Frances based on a real person? tvacute delves into the details.
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Is Frances (Phoebe Tonkin) Based on a Real Person?
Yes, Phoebe Tonkin plays Frances in the Netflix show “Boy Swallows Universe ” which is based on a real person. A strong confirmation comes from Trent Dalton, the author of the semi-autobiographical book that the series is based on. Dalton has said that the characters in “Boy Swallows Universe” are based on his own life and the people who were important to him as a child.
Phoebe Tonkin’s character Frances is based on the real struggles and successes of the person Dalton’s mother. He speaks very well about how strong and brave his mother was in dealing with problems, and he gets ideas from her ability to find meaning in bad situations. However, the show is “50/50” between fact and fantasy.
The part of the show where Frances Bell, Eli’s mother, is locked up, is based on Trent Dalton‘s real life. In the show, Dalton says that his mother did go to jail for two years in the late 1980s, and it shows how that made the family feel. The interview highlights a specific plot point where Eli, the protagonist, wants to break into a women’s prison on Christmas Day to save his mum’s life. This story is a lot like Dalton’s own life since his mother spent Christmas in jail.
In an interesting interview, Dalton talks about the link between Frances and his mother, revealing the real-life details woven into the story of “Boy Swallows Universe.” When Trent Dalton thinks about his mother, it’s moving to see how strong family bonds are and how strong the human spirit is. In the middle of problems and difficulties, Dalton’s love for his mother shines through. Through his mother’s experiences, including a time in prison, the story of the series becomes more real, giving Frances a more believable personality.