A new “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted” offshoot series titled “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown” has been announced by NatGeo. In the previous episodes, Gordon Ramsay competed in “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown” against renowned British chefs Paul Ainsworth and Matt Waldron, who trained in Ramsay’s kitchens before starting their own eateries. Gordon has to dig deep in the final cooks to keep his students from becoming masters because Paul and Matt are working on their own territory. but in the finale he will face his toughest test yet as he competes against his own daughter Tilly Ramsay.
Ramsay vs Ramsay is the title of episode 3 of “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown.” As we see in the season finale, the omnipresent TV presenter sends his daughter Tilly, the multi-BAFTA Award-nominated CBBC cooking program star and cookbook author, into the wilds of Costa Rica with three friends to forage for native cuisine. The episode concludes with a cook-off between generations. Read the synopsis below.
Gordon Ramsay and his daughter Tilly face off in a Costa Rican culinary showdown.
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown Episode 3 Release Date
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown Episode 3 will air on August 8, 2022. the Nat Geo Channel at 8 p.m. Although a release date for “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted” on Disney+ has not yet been specified, prior seasons are already accessible there.
Studio Ramsay Global creates “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Showdown” for National Geographic. Gordon Ramsay, Lisa Edwards, Tom Willis, and Jon Kroll serve as executive producers for Studio Ramsay Global.