The longest-running primetime medical drama ‘Grey’s Anatomy in a next week’s the episode based on Halloween theme. Everything to Know About ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 16 Episode 6 below;
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 16 Episode 6 Recap
“Whistlin’ Past the Graveyard” was written by Julie Wong and directed by Pete Chatmon which will air on Thursday, October 31 at 8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT, ABC.
Guest starring is Alex Landi as Nico Kim, Jaicy Elliot as Taryn Helm and Isadora Goreshter as Paula.
Grey’s Anatomy Season 16 Episode 6 Synopsis as per ABC : Alex is hoping to impress investors at Pac-Gen North, but when he hears disturbing news about skeletons on the construction site grounds, he enlists Richard to help with distraction tactics. Teddy feels the pressure to be super-mom after tasking herself with creating original Halloween costumes for Allison and Leo, while Meredith fears she won’t make it home in time for trick-or-treating with her kids. Elsewhere, Jackson tends to a pediatric patient who is upset she is spending her Halloween in a hospital.
Watch the season 16 Eps 6 promo to see what will happen next :
we see Meredith shaking a red jail jumpsuit is surprised wakeful as her cellmate gazes over her in their cell. “You’re scaring me,” Meredith says, to which her cellmate pipes back, “Happy Halloween!”
Afterward, Meredith urges one of the jail watchmen to give her a chance to commend the occasion with her kids, however it doesn’t click into her mind that she won’t have the option to go back and forth however she sees fit. “I have three kids at home and I have to get a costume…,” Meredith . “You can go as Sad Mom,” the officer deadpans.
Grey’s Anatomy Season 16 Episode 6 Halloween in a Hospital Photos
So with that, here’s everything else we know about Grey’s Anatomy season 16 Episode 6.