Hocus Pocus 2 Recap! Ending Explained: Setup for a Third Movie

Anne Fletcher’s Hocus Pocus 2 is the follow-up to the 1993 movie of the same name. The Sanderson sisters, who were persecuted at the Salem witch trials in 1693 and were revived by unwitting teens, make a triumphant return in Hocus Pocus 2. But by the end of the movie, Salem had officially welcomed a new witch. Hocus Pocus 2 debuted on Disney+ on Friday, September 30, 2022.

In the inevitable follow-up to the 1993 cult comedy, Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker return as the corny 17th-century Sanderson witch sisters. This time, three high school students, including the mayor’s daughter of Salem, bring them back while causing hilarious and musical chaos. Sam Richardson, plays the owner of a magic shop in the above-average supporting ensemble, and Hannah Waddingham plays a different witch from Salem’s past. The Sanderson Sisters face their terrible quest for dominance as Hocus Pocus 2 comes to a close, with Salem’s teenagers being aided by a startling turn of events. (tvacute.com)Here is an explanation of the Hocus Pocus 2 ending.

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Hocus Pocus 2 Recap

Hocus Pocus 2 Recap

Hocus Pocus 2 starts with the Sanderson sisters as little girls in the distant past as opposed to the present. Now that the Sanderson parents are deceased, the reverend attempts to marry little Winnie (Taylor Henderson) off to a local guy. Winnie refuses, and after a fight, she and her sisters run to the forbidden wood. They encounter Hannah Waddingham, a witch who acknowledges Winnie’s might and offers her “The Book” before departing. In modern-day Salem, Becca and her best friend Izzy are organizing their annual 16th birthday fright fest, but their other closest mate Cassie (Lilla Buckingham) has started to focus more on her boyfriend Mike (Froy Gutierrez) and planning a party for Halloween instead of spending time with her friends. The Sanderson Sisters tale and how if a virgin burns a candle in the woods, it will bring the sisters back are the topics of Gilbert’s (Sam Richardson) magic show, which Becca and Izzy attend.

hocus pocus 2 -

Nobody believes him despite his insistence that the rumors are genuine and that he saw them on that Halloween night 29 years ago. He gives Becca a candle for her birthday during their conversation, which she uses in the woods for her and Izzy’s ceremonial manifestation circle. The candle mysteriously catches fire with a black flame and summons the Sisters returning from the afterlife. Becca and Izzy successfully mislead the sisters into ingesting skincare items under the false belief that the youth serums truly contain the souls of children. The sisters then run, but not before chasing them down with a broom, a Swiffer, and two Roombas. They eventually locate the sisters in the former apothecary, which is now Gilbert’s shop. When they confront Gilbert, they trick him into assisting them in staying in Salem permanently while also locking the girls in the basement and cursing them so they are unable to leave.

hocus pocus --2 Tony Hale

In order to complete the permanence spell, Gilbert is entrusted with, among other things, locating the head of Winnie’s boyfriend (aka Billy Butcher). Tony Hale plays Jefry Traske, the town’s mayor and a direct descendent of the aforementioned reverend, who is being pursued by witches at the Halloween festival. Angelika leaves are used by Becca and Izzy to break the curse and flee, but they are unaware that Becca’s natural witchy talents are being channeled. When they inform Cassie’s father that she is hosting a party, they force him to come home, where they all gather. However, the sisters are still with him. The sisters are, however, caught by the girls in a circle of salt. The sisters kidnap Cassie and take her to the woods, where Gilbert and Billy Butcher are (who dispute Winnie’s account of what happened in their purported romance), while the girls are making amends and deciding what to do next. Mary’s Roombas are also refuting Winnie’s account of what happened in their purported romance.

 Hocus Pocus 2 Ending Explained

Hocus Pocus 2 ending

The sisters cast the spell and hurl Gilbert into the woods, but when Becca and Izzy show up to save Cassie, Becca becomes aware of her power. The three ladies team together during their altercation to defend themselves from the sisters’ spells. In defiance of Book’s wishes, Winnie performs the magic for ultimate power without taking into account the warning that doing so will require her to give up a beloved object. Shortly after her sisters start to disappear, Winnie is left alone to survive daylight. She begs Becca to do magic to bring them back together and Becca agrees. Izzy and Cassie then repeat the incantation chorus in the same way that Sarah and Mary did for Winnie. The spell instead sends Winnie to them, not bringing them back.

hocus pocus --2

Winnie, feeling relieved and happy, changes into sparks that combine with her sisters’ sparkles and light brilliantly before dissipating. Billy finally vanishes when Gilbert returns carrying Billy’s body. Gilbert then says sorry to the girls and offers them a 10percentage bargain on anything they like. Becca, Izzy, and Cassie are already more powerful than the Sanderson Sisters ever were by forgiving Mike and Gilbert for their wrongdoings in Hocus Pocus 2’s ending, as the original witches’ failing was their gloomy pursuit of vengeance. The tragic end of Hocus Pocus 2′s Sanderson Sisters taught the new witches that they must respect one another as a single, powerful entity and be careful not to take one another for granted in their quest for maximum power. The new coven cannot allow small disagreements and misunderstandings to pull them apart once more.

Hocus Pocus 2 credit scene.

The post-credit scene depicts Gilbert’s cat racing throughout the store and stopping in front of a box that reads BF 2 Candle. You already know this, but there is a second Black Flame candle. Unless the candle is connected to another coven of witches that can terrorize Salem, we presume that it signifies that the Sanderson sisters may be brought back at some point. It’s a clear setup for a third film. We’ll just have to keep an eye on this place to see if the sequel is successful enough to warrant a third film.

Everything We Know Hocus Pocus 3

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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