Home Before Dark is an Apple TV+ original series starring father Matt Lisko (Jim Sturgess), and daughter Hilde Lisko (Brooklynn Prince), investigative journalist, Hilde is a kid, but she’s better than most adults. His father’s best friend Richie Fife (Kiefer O’Reilly) was kidnapped as a child. Hilde’s hope for justice for him continues. Now the mystery is getting deeper, there is a suspicion of poison in the pond in Pinewood Park. Is Richie also a part of the Poison Pond mystery? Did the Poisonous Pond Kill the Birds and Fish? So are you excited to get the answer too? So let’s have a look at Home Before Dark with tv acutte, Season 2 New Episode 4. The recap of episode 3 can also be read below so that you understand episode 4 better.
Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 4 is titled “Dark Rooms” written by Christine Roum & Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner. In episode 4, Hilde continues to try that the pond was poisoned. Since there is still one hope left, she was taking care of the sick bird, she has, which she can take her search further. Frankie can help Hilde and her friends.
Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 4 Release Date
New Episode 4 of ‘Home Before Dark‘ Season 2 releases Friday, July 2, 2021, at 3 PM ET on Apple TV+, which will not be streaming anywhere else. Because there is an original series of Apple TV. Which you can stream through the Apple platform. Where you can watch Season 1 and Season 2 new episodes with 1-week free trial.
Home Before Dark Season 2 Episode 3 Recap
In episode 3 titled “Fighting His Ghost”, the father and daughter discover what appears to be poison in the pond at Pinewood Park. Because first, dead birds, then dead fish, and animals have been found. But she is shocked when the pond is emptied, and she will never be able to test the water again. With this, Hilde feels that grandfather’s illness is from that poisonous pond. Also Izzy went to school with Jessica in that sleepover. Izzy (Kylie Rogers) is dealt a severe blow with Ethan’s passing. Tripp and Frank Jr. are both upset with Frank Sr. that what he has to do We know Frank Jr. doesn’t even like to see Frank Sr. Episode 3 ends with Hilde vowing to continue searching for answers.