House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Ending Explained!

A 10-year time shift in the House of the Dragon tale of Targaryen court intrigue results in cast changes for its two female characters. Milly Alcock, who was excellent in the role, has been replaced by Emma D’Arcy, and Emily Carey has been replaced by Olivia Cooke in the role of the Queen Consort Alicent, who delights in the manipulative scheming as she casts shade on Rhaenyra’s offspring of questionable parentage. Milly Alcock will no longer be seen in the role of the restless Princess Rhaenyra. You would be mistaken to believe that time has somehow softened the power struggles taking place at Kings Landing. The tale continues to focus on the political intrigue that occurs within the Targaryen castle. Things were already difficult for Rhaenyra, but the passage of another decade has only served to exacerbate the situation. provides a comprehensive recap on this page.

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House of the Dragon Episode 6 Cast

House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

A decade has changed King’s Landing, but much remains the same. Ser Criston (Fabien Frankel) has avoided punishment for murdering a king’s guest at the princess’ wedding banquet thanks to the queen’s favor. Olivia Cooke’s Alicent remains suspicious of Rhaenyra’s (Emma D’Arcy) antics. The princess’ love affairs and the queen’s probing may have more immediate consequences now that the king is dying. Aegon (Ty Tennant) is now a Draco Malfoy-looking teen who torments his younger, dragon-less brother, Aemond (Leo Ashton). the queen’s daughter Helaena (Evie Allen) prefers to stay behind and study bugs. Rhaenyra’s children with Laenor Velaryon are Jacaerys (Leo Hart), Lucerys (Harvey Sadler), and Joffrey (John Macmillan). Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) is in Pentos with his new wife, he awaits the birth of his third child with his wife Laena Velaryon (now Nanna Blondell) while caring for his eldest daughter, Rhaena (Eva Ossei-Gerning), and ignores his youngest, dragon-less Baela (Shani Smethurst).

house of the dragon episode 6 Recap

Before we even see Rhaenyra from D’Arcy, we hear her wailing, and when we do, we find her in the precise situation she has long dreaded: giving birth. Everything goes as planned. her husband attends her, she labors for a short while, and then her third son is born, and everything is fine. However, the servant enters and says that the queen wants the baby brought to her. Rhaenyra gets up to get dressed and continues on even after giving birth while still standing. She runs into Laenor (now played by John Macmillan of Chewing Gum), who is excited about their child, bewildered by the queen’s desire. she needs to stop and catch her breath while her uterus erupts in her abdomen. Even though everyone they pass stops to look, she continues walking. Nevertheless, they continue marching and come across Ser Criston (who is still Fabien Frankel) at his post outside the queen’s quarters. The queen enters and remarks that Rhaenyra ought to be sleeping. Viserys, who has an unsettlingly elderly appearance, appears and begins gushing over his grandson, who Laenor reveals will be called Joffrey (in honor of Laenor’s deceased lover), but it doesn’t appear that this was a decision made jointly.

house of the dragon episode 6 -Recap--

Rhaenyra reprimands Laenor for naming the child without consulting her as they make their way back down the hallway, leaving blood all over the place. Then they go to their other two sons, who are chatting with Ser Harwin and have picked a dragon’s egg for their younger sibling’s cradle. Ser Harwin “Breakbones” Strong, the head of the City Watch, and the princess exchange some incredibly important ones. Furthermore, the older brothers unquestionably lack Laenor’s coloring. Rhaenyra and Laenor’s oldest boys train in the dragon pit with Aegon and Aemond. Other lads mock Aemond for not having a dragon. After they leave, he sneaks into the dragons’ lair and nearly gets flambéed.

When Alicent learns, she requests that Viserys take action for Rhaeynra’s children. She mentions that Rhaenyra’s boys don’t look like him. “Nature is strange,” Viserys adds, but she’s unconvinced. So he responds, “Don’t mention it again,” and she vents to Ser Criston. Aegon is masturbating in his bedroom window while standing naked as Alicent enters, causing him to stop and fumble for cover. She warns him to be gentler to his brother, reminds him that everyone but Rhaenyra thinks he’s king, and tells him to get dressed.

house of the dragon episode 6 -Recap-

Daemon and pregnant Laena Velaryon (now Nanna Blondell) proudly off their dragons in Pentos. Later, during dinner, the prince of Pentos makes them an offer: They’ll migrate to Pentos and get paid generously in exchange for giving their dragons to the cause if war breaks out. Laena is unhappy that Daemon is considering the deal that night. Later, Laena experiences labor. But as things progress poorly, it becomes apparent that neither she nor the infant will survive. she limps over to where the dragons are kept and tells her horse to “Dracarys!” her into the afterlife while wearing a bloodied nightgown. Prince Daemon finds her he is determined what will happen to Rhaena and Baela. Westeros’ most stunning dragon lady, rest in peace.

Cole vs. Breakbones!

The king’s four eldest grandchildren train in the yard with Ser Criston as Viserys and Lyonel Strong watch from King’s Landing. When Harwin observes and comments on how the knight treats Aegon and Aemond better than the other two, Criston orders a duel between Aegon and Rhaenyra’s eldest son, Jace. Jace battles despite being younger and smaller than Aegon. It becomes heated as Harwin and Criston argue and Criston encourages Aegon to act immorally. Cole makes fun of Strong when he intervenes to stop Aegon from pummeling Jace into the ground. Ser Criston airily observes, “Most men would only have that type of devotion for a cousin, or a sibling, or a son.” At that time, Harwin jumps on him and punches him until others pull him off. Rhaenyra overhears Lyonel yelling at his son for putting them all in jeopardy, including his reminder that Harwin, the princess, and their children could be deported or killed if the truth is out. Laenor and a buddy Qarl Correy barge in, inebriated and singing noisily, while Rhaenyra nursing a sore chest. Rhaenyra urges the buddy to go, and Laenor talks about the battle and sailing again. She says he’s mistaken if he thinks his son’s “real father” will desert them to “carouse through the Narrow Sea, waggling his sword and winking at his sailors.” He says he’s been “loyal” for 10 years and deserves something. she orders him to stay in King’s Landing.

A short council meeting follows, and Rhaenyra rises to speak. she suggests marrying Helaena, the daughter of Alicent and Viserys, with her son Jace. But suddenly the princess’ breasts start openly leaking through her dress, derailing the whole enterprise. Alicent says they’ll consider it, and everyone leaves Rhaenyra’s torso unseen.  King is thrilled about the proposal.

Due to what transpired in the yard with son Harwin, Hand of the King Lyonel Strong appears to resign from his position, interrupting their chat. Harwin’s father asks the king to relieve him of his duties as Hand after the attack costs him his position in the City Watch. However, Viserys is still unpersuaded and won’t fire Lord Lyonel. It’s Lord Lyonel’s strategy for shielding his adored son from the Targaryen controversy. Alicent makes one last circuit around the castle before dinner with Lyonel’s second son, Lord Larys. They talk about Viserys’ “willful blindness” and the Hand of the King’s desire to renounce his service. The queen thinks her father, would tell Viserys the truth if he were alive.

Next, we see a dungeon of condemned men. In exchange for their cooperation with his plan, Larys promises them “mercy.” Then, the next thing we witness is one of the convicts having his tongue amputated voluntarily. Soon after, Rhaenyra and the kids say goodbye to Harwin, and the princess can hardly contain her tears as her beloved kisses the baby’s head. she informs the boys as he departs. You’ll enjoy it! Jace, meanwhile, is only interested in learning if Breakbones is his father. Rhaenyra, who is upset, declares that he and his brothers are Targaryens and that’s that. But soon after, she discovers Laenor working out in the yard with his new love interest and informs them that they are heading to Dragonstone. She tells Laenor’s sparring partner to come. She motions for the opponent of Laenor, “Bring him.” Every sword we can muster will be needed.

house of the dragon episode 6 -Recap-

Three of the convicts Larys spoke to earlier, who are all clad in cloaks and a bee brooch that matches the one on Larys’ cane, keep an eye on the family until they eventually disperse. The Bee Bros are also present when Harwin and Lyonel, along with numerous others, perish in a fire at Harrenhal. Alicent is shocked to learn what Larys has caused when she learns the news. Despite killing his father and sibling, he appears to be unconcerned.

House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Ending Explained!

Jacaerys (Leo Hart), Lucerys (Harvey Sadler), and Joffrey, Rhaenyra’s first three children, are thought to be Harwin’s offspring. Harwin’s last scene is when he saves Rhaenyra at her wedding, so it was on purpose for HOTD to only show him in short bursts until the episode where he dies. It’s clear that he’s not Rhaenyra’s true love, but he’s still a close friend and confidant, and she cares about him enough to claim his children as her own. It is also very obvious that he is the father, although those who could take action rarely do so with the exception of Ser Criston Cole, who was encouraged by Queen Alicent. When he provokes Harwin by attacking Cole and using Alicent and Rhaenyra’s kids as props, Harwin is kicked out of the City Watch. Their doom is sealed when Lyonel determines that Harwin should go back to Harrenhal. When Larys gets there, she sets the castle on fire, killing Lyonel and Harwin as it burns. Larys will now serve as the next Lord of Harrenhal in lieu of Lyonel and Harwin as a result of this.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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