The Netflix show “Boy Swallows Universe,” which is based on Trent Dalton’s book of the same name, takes fans on an exciting ride through Eli Bell’s troubled life. Eli’s story has both heartwarming and heartbreaking parts, like when his mother became hooked to drugs and when he had to deal with a stepfather who was involved in the drug trade. As the series goes on, we see Eli change from a quick-moving tween to a driven teen who wants to make things better for his mother, Frankie. tvacute discusses how Boy Swallows Universe Season 1 ends.
How does Boy Swallows Universe Season 1 End?
In the second-to-last episodes, the show takes a surprising turn, with Zac Burgess taking over as the main character instead of Felix Cameron. This change not only changes the look of the show but also leads Eli to face his past and make choices that will change his life.
In Episode 7 of “Boy Swallows Universe,” the story becomes less magical and more focused on a mystery. At the start of the show, Eli Bell gets a job at the local newspaper by selling Alex Bermuda’s life story. This is a big step toward his goal of becoming a journalist.
The fact that Gus and Shelly are named Queensland Champions for their charitable work becomes a major plot point and gives Eli a chance to learn more about Tytus Broz. Caitlyn Spies, who is traveling with Eli on his investigation trip, starts to doubt Tytus after finding financial transactions that look like hush money payments.
By calling Raymond Leary, the man who was seen hitting his head against doors in a previous episode, Caitlyn and Eli find out that Tytus is involved with a complicated facility on his huge property. They set out on a dangerous mission to get into this mysterious building because they are interested.
An unsettling discovery is made inside Tytus’s facility. Body parts, evidence of experiments, and the heads of people who were killed, including Eli’s stepfather Lyle, are found. With this horrifying proof, Eli and Caitlyn are able to get away from Ivan Kroll, who was sent by Tytus to kill them.
The most exciting part of the story happens at the Queensland Champions Award event, where Eli shows Tytus’s horrible actions with Lyle’s head as proof. Caitlyn had already told the cops about Tytus, so they arrested him. Things go badly for Eli and his family when Ivan shows up and starts hurting them. The party then turns dark.
In a heart-stopping moment, Gus steps in to save Eli and kill Ivan by making him fall from a clock tower. The red phone has been a mysterious part of the season and still stands for unsolved questions. The dream that Eli has about Tytus and the phone ringing adds a strange element to the story. But the fact that the phone might have been a figment of Eli and Gus’s mind shows how much it hurts their mental health.
Even though Eli is seriously hurt, he is strong and survives. In a touching scene at the end of the show, Eli wakes up in the hospital surrounded by his family. The Bell family has been through a lot of hard times, but now they are celebrating a victory, which shows how strong the human spirit is.
The first season of “Boy Swallows Universe” ends with Eli Bell waking up in the hospital. He has just revealed Tytus Broz’s bad behavior and survived a life-threatening fight with Ivan Kroll. Eli is fine, even though he had a dream about the strange red phone. Eli is now a successful journalist, and the story ends with him having dinner with his family (Gus, Frankie, and Robert) and finishing the manuscript for his book “Boy Swallows Universe.” The ending is a glorious moment of strength, hope, and family ties triumphing over hardship.