Ray Donovan: The Movie, directed by David Hollander for Showtime, is an anticipated American crime drama television film. It is the sequel to the seventh and final season of the same-named series, which aired in 2020. It will focus on Liev Schreiber’s title character and his interactions with his family, which includes brothers Terry, Bunchy, and Daryll, who will be played by Eddie Marsan, Dash Mihok, and Pooch Hall, respectively. Following the events of the Season 7 finale, Mickey (Jon Voight) is on the run, and Ray (Liev Schreiber) is on a mission to track him down and stop him before he can do any more harm.
Ray Donovan: The Movie: Release Date, Trailer, Cast
Ray Donovan Movie Release Date on Showtime
Ray Donovan: The Movie will also have its formal premiere on the Showtime network on Friday, January 14 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Ray Donovan fans will be pleased to learn that the highly anticipated Ray Donovan film is now available to stream on the Showtime website and app.
You must be a Showtime user if you don’t want to wait until Friday evening to see Ray Donovan: The Movie or if you want to watch it later online. Ray Donovan: The Movie is available for $10.99 following a 30-day free trial on the SHOWTIME Now streaming platform.
Ray Donovan Movie Hulu or Amazon
Alternatively, if you have an Amazon Prime or Hulu subscription, you may add Showtime’s streaming platform to your account and watch Ray Donovan: The Movie there.
Customers with Amazon Prime may get a seven-day free trial of Showtime’s streaming service right now. Showtime will cost an additional $10.99 on top of your Amazon Prime subscription after the trial period has ended.
After a seven-day free trial, Hulu viewers can add Showtime to their Standard Hulu bundle for $10.99. Hulu’s normal monthly subscription is $6.99.
Watch Ray Donovan Movie Others Platforms
The Showtime add-on option is also available for $10.99 per month on DIRECTV STREAM, Sling TV, fuboTV, and YouTube TV. The film will likely be accessible on-demand soon after its premiere. So we advise our readers to regularly check Google Play, Microsoft Store, iTunes, and Vudu.
Does Ray Donovan: The Movie have a Netflix release date?
The new ‘Ray Donovan: The Movie’ is not accessible on Netflix. Subscribers to Netflix can either hunt for the film on another platform or watch movies.
What is the best way to watch Ray Donovan: The Movie for free?
For new subscribers, Showtime offers a 30-day free trial, while FuboTV, YouTubeTV, DirecTV, and Hulu’s Showtime add-on all provide a 7-day trial period to try out their services before purchasing a subscription. So, if you want to watch the movie for free, you can take advantage of any of the aforementioned deals. We do, however, advise our readers to avoid utilizing illicit methods and to only watch their favorite series and movies online after paying for them.
Ray Donovan Movie Cast
Ray Donovan is played by Liev Schreiber.
Terry Donovan is played by Eddie Marsan.
Bunchy Donovan is played by Dash Mihok.
Daryll is played by Pooch Hall.
Bridget Donovan is played by Kerris Dorsey.
Lena is played by Katherine Moennig.
Molly Sullivan is played by Kerry Condon.
Mickey Donovan is played by Jon Voight.
Young Mickey is played by Bill Heck.
Kevin Sullivan is played by Josh Hamilton.
Smitty is played by Graham Rogers.
Teresa is played by Alyssa Diaz.
David Matty is played by Patrick Kelly.
Young Jim Sullivan is played by Austin Hébert.
Chris Gray in the role of Young Ray Donovan
Chris Petrovski is played by Young Sean Walker