The drama series “P-Valley” on Starz’s second season follows Mercedes Woodbine played by Brandee Evans through a new phase of her life. She agrees to be Cedric Haynes, aka Coach,’ mistress in exchange for the funding needed to start a gym. The arrangement makes it possible for her to meet Farrah Haynes (Shamika Cotton), Cedric’s wife, who joins her husband and Mercedes while they engage in sexual activity. Without Cedric around, the two women begin to see one another, which sparks the development of a relationship between them. Naturally, the audience must be curious as to whether they end up dating. Well, let’s talk about it and share our opinions! Spoilers follow.
Do Farrah and Mercedes end up dating?
No, for the time being at least, Mercedes and Farrah do not end up together. During their first meeting, Mercedes compliments Farrah on her photographic abilities. Farrah is drawn to the dancer because Mercedes makes her feel validated. They ultimately engage in sexual activity with Cedric, Farrah’s husband. The experience also awakens Farrah’s desire for women, which she had been suppressing because of her marriage to Cedric. Following their initial encounter, Farrah begins to believe that Mercedes is a person who has emancipated her as an artist and as a person. Farrah is motivated by Mercedes’ presence in her life to take photography seriously, something she hasn’t done since leaving her unhappy marriage to Cedric. Farrah desires a relationship with Mercedes in order to improve her life.
When the dancer first encounters her at the exhibition, she tells him about her wish. Mercedes declines Farrah’s request, adding that whatever they had was a component of the business arrangement she had with Cedric. But Mercedes might not have made up her mind yet. Even though Mercedes isn’t ready to date, Farrah makes an informal proposal to her. The trauma of killing Montavius has not yet left Mercedes; it has followed her ever since. Her career as a dancer also fails as a result of the physical issues she experiences. Even though she makes it obvious to Mane that she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically or sexually, Mane’s presence in her life must have had an impact on her decision to reject Farrah.
Mercedes’ life undergoes a number of changes in the second season finale. She understands that Mane is merely a disgusting homophobe. She does her final dance at The Pynk and conquers her career-related worries. Farrah makes sure that Mercedes doesn’t abandon her desire to be with the former as she embarks on a new chapter of her life. Indicating that she is not prepared to go from Mercedes’ life, the photographer sends a royalty check to the latter. Due to Farrah’s tenacity, she and Mercedes might be married. Mercedes and Farrah might begin to get along again if the former can inspire the latter to pursue her dreams, especially operating a gym. The money from Farrah may possibly aid Mercedes in beginning the gym’s construction. If that’s the case, Farrah may keep sending Mercedes royalty checks, which would also help them become closer. We can anticipate the potential union of the two women if the show is renewed for a third season.