The American TV show Bupkis is a comedy-drama. On May 4, 2023, it made its debut on Peacock. Â The program centers around comedian Pete Davidson, who is compelled to return to Staten Island, where he was born and raised. Â “Bupkis” has received praise for its distinct fusion of humor and unvarnished honesty. Along with Davidson, the show has a strong supporting cast that includes Joe Pesci as a regular in the first season and Edie Falco as his mother.
Along with acting in the show, Davidson also contributes as a writer and executive producer. The program also features guest stars including Charlie Day and Steve Buscemi as well as recurrent characters. The show has received praise for its debut season thanks to the creator of SNL Lorne Michaels and writer team Judah Miller and Dave Sirus. Many people recognize Pete Davidson’s talent and his capacity to captivate audiences with his humor and openness. Will the ‘Bupkis’ Season 2 be canceled or renewed? Allow to offer you all of the necessary information.
Is ‘Bupkis’ Season 2 Renewed?
Yes, the television series “Bupkis” has been renewed for a second season on Peacock. The semi-autobiographical series stars Pete Davidson, known for his work on “Saturday Night Live,” as a fictionalized version of himself. Fans were thrilled to hear that the show had been renewed because the first season ended on a cliffhanger.
‘Bupkis’ Season 2 Release Date
There has not yet been any information released on the plot of the second season or the returning cast members. For more information on the release date and what Pete Davidson’s character and the made-up members of his family can expect, series fans will have to wait.