Is Laena Velaryon dead in House of the Dragon?

We anticipated that the sixth episode of Season 1 of House of the Dragon would be filled with some genuinely shocking scenes. Of course, the creators saved the best for last, as Laena Velayron (Nanna Blondell) selected a very specific method of death: by a dragon. She made it plain that she would not pass away in the same manner as Viserys’ deceased wife and that she would let Daemon make the final decision. Because of how it was depicted visually, this death may end up being among the most memorable of the entire season.  Everything that you need to know about it is included at ( House of the Dragon Episode 6 Spoiler Ahead.

Is Laena Velaryon dead in House of the Dragon?

House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Ending Explained!

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In Pentos, Daemon (Matt Smith)and Laena Velaryon, proudly display their dragons. Later, over dinner, the prince of Pentos offers them a deal: in exchange for moving to Pentos and receiving a great salary, they will donate their dragons to the cause in the event of war. Laena is upset that Daemon will be thinking about the deal that evening. Laena goes into labor later. However, as events go horribly, it becomes clear that neither she nor the baby will survive. One of the most moving and potent dragon scenes involves Laena Velaryon compelling her dragon, Vhagar, to kill her by using the command “dracarys.” When her husband Daemon decides she will die during childbirth or survive but lose the child, there is little chance she will ever return to Driftmark. Even though there isn’t much of a choice, Laena makes it her own. she gives herself the dragonrider’s death she desired.  She drags herself over to where the dragons are kept. She is burned to death after repeatedly saying the word “dracarys” in tears, leaving Daemon to determine what will happen to Rhaena and Baela.  Westeros’ most stunning dragon lady, rest in peace.

house of-the dragon ---episode 6 -Recap--

What Distinguishes Laena Velaryon’s Death From That in the Book

Similar to how Laena Velaryon passes away in Fire & Blood, but in a different manner. The situation has changed; in contrast to the book, where they had already returned to Driftmark when she passed away, Daemon and Laena’s time in Pentos has left them much more cast adrift. In the book, Laena also perishes while giving birth, but she has a son who passes away an hour later. After that, Laena develops a fever and passes away a few days later; it is thought that she was attempting to return to Vhagar for the last time.

For a variety of reasons, Laena’s passing might have a seismic impact on the show. First of all, if this were to happen, Daemon might be compelled to move back closer to King’s Landing after some time gone. This person once felt comfortable to stay out of politics since he knew where he stood in the succession process overall. However, a lot of things might change now. The fact that it opens the door to new variables must be taken into account.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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