“My Life with the Walter Boys“ on Netflix has won over viewers’ hearts with its endearing coming-of-age story. The show centers on the journey of 15-year-old Jackie Howard of Manhattan, who moves to the small Colorado town of Silver Falls to live with Katherine, her mother’s closest friend and guardian, following a horrible tragedy that claims her family. While juggling her feelings for the two very different Walter brothers, Alex and Cole, Jackie tries to follow her dream of attending Princeton amid the turmoil of the Walter family’s busy home. Within ‘My Life with the Walter Boys,’ Silver Falls provides the setting for the Howard family’s new existence. But is Silver Falls a real location, or is it the result of imaginative creativity?
Is Silver Falls a Real Place in ‘My Life with the Walter Boys’?
Silver Falls is not a real place. It’s just a made-up town in “My Life with the Walter Boys.” The town is made up, even though its name sounds. Rather, the filmmakers chose to film in Alberta, Canada, with Calgary serving as the main site. To show the essence of the Wild West in sharp contrast to Jackie’s previous urban existence in New York, the decision was made to film in Alberta.
In the world of “My Life with the Walter Boys,” the made-up Silver Falls High School adds another level to the story. The real Silver Falls School District in the U.S. state of Oregon is a source of motivation for this work.
Scotts Mills and Silverton in Marion County and Clackamas County are served by the real Silver Falls School District. The district covers a large area of about 240 square miles and is in the foothills, between Silver Creek and the Abiqua River. There is a lot of teaching power at this school that can be seen in the famous Silver Falls State Park.
The choice to name the show’s fictional high school after this real-life area gives it a bit of realism. The show makes some story choices that aren’t exactly true, but setting Silver Falls High School in a real school district is a nice nod to the real world. This decision hits home for viewers who know the Oregon school district, making the fictional world seem more connected to the real school system.
Finally, Silver Falls and Silver Falls High School may not be real places on a map, but they come to life on screen, making the experience lively and real. When made-up stories are filmed in real places, it shows how creative and skilled the people behind the scenes are, confusing the lines between reality and make-believe.
Who does Jackie choose between Cole and Alex in My Life with the Walter Boys?