“The Secret: Dare to Dream“ is an engaging American drama film from 2020 that is helmed by Andy Tennant. The lives of the two main characters, Josh Lucas‘s Bray Johnson and Katie Holmes‘s Miranda Wells, are intricately interwoven in this gripping story against the colorful background of New Orleans. As the story progresses, we see Miranda, a strong young widow, juggling the responsibilities of running her boyfriend Tucker’s seafood business and parenting three children. Enter Bray Johnson, a professor of engineering whose mission is inextricably linked to Miranda’s.
Two people from apparently distinct worlds whose paths unexpectedly intersect are at the center of the story. Miranda traverses the intricacies of her life against a moving backdrop of her problems and goals. When Bray, arrives on the scene bearing an envelope that could change Miranda’s fate, the story takes an exciting turn. If the events shown in “The Secret: Dare to Dream“ are based in actuality, one would wonder. In contrast to the popular belief that movies are based on genuine stories, this one takes its cues from somewhere else. Â tvacute break down everything!
Is The Secret: Dare to Dream Movie Based on a True Story?
No, “The Secret: Dare to Dream” is not based on a true story. Rather, Rhonda Byrne‘s self-help book “The Secret” serves as the inspiration for the film. The film, which was helmed by Andy Tennant and debuted in 2020, delves into the ideas presented in Byrne’s book, with a focus on the law of attraction.
According to the law of attraction, a person’s ideas and energies have a direct impact on their lives and attract similar situations. Although the movie’s events and characters are made up, they nevertheless function as a means of illustrating the transformational power of positive thought and manifestation.
The producers created characters like Bray Johnson and Miranda Wells, but the basic theory is based on Byrne’s real-life experiences. After her father passed away in 2004, Australian television writer and producer Rhonda Byrne was left at a loss about what to do. After reading Wallace D. Wattles’ “The Science of Getting Rich,” Byrne began investigating the influence of positive thinking and thoughts on a personal level.
Born in 1951 in Melbourne, Australia, Rhonda Byrne has made a name for herself as a writer and producer on television. Byrne worked as an executive producer for a number of television shows before entering the field of self-help philosophy. These shows included “Oz Encounters: UFO’s in Australia” (1997), “Sensing Murder: Easy Street” (2003), “Loves Me, Loves Me Not” (2003), and “The World’s Greatest Commercials” (1995–2004).
Nevertheless, Byrne’s life changed drastically when her father passed away in 2004. She was depressed until her daughter Hayley showed her “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles (1910). Byrne’s investigation into the law of attraction and the power of mind was initiated by this experience. Inspired by the ideas presented in Wattles’ book, she started writing on “The Secret.”
In addition to becoming a literary hit, “The Secret” opened the door for a worldwide movement based on the law of attraction. Because of Byrne’s dedication to spreading this revolutionary idea, a series of books including “The Power” and “The Magic,” which are sequels to the book, were produced.
“The Secret: Dare to Dream” is a film adaptation of the ideas presented in “The Secret.” The storyline of the film, albeit being fictitious, speaks to the actual effects that the law of attraction has on people who have adopted this concept. The main theme of the movie is based on the life-changing experiences of people who have used the law of attraction’s principles, even though the events aren’t based on any particular true tales.