“The Woman in the Wall,” a psychological thriller takes place in the made-up Irish town of Kilkinure, and Wilson plays Lorna Brady, a woman who sleepwalks all the time and gets caught up in a strange mystery. As people wait impatiently for the end of Lorna Brady’s rough trip, they can’t help but wonder about the real-life events that inspired “The Woman in the Wall.”
The Woman in the Wall: Is Lorna Brady (Ruth Wilson) Based on a Real Person?
Is The Woman in the Wall [Showtime] Inspired by a True Story?
Yes, the Showtime show “The Woman in the Wall” is based on a true story. The show is based on the disturbing past of the Magdalene Laundries, which were real places of work in Ireland from the 18th century to the late 20th. At first, these institutions were Protestant, but over time, they became mostly Roman Catholic. They were meant to house women whom society called “fallen.”
As a general term, “fallen women” included sex workers, single moms, and women who were seen as social problems. Many women who are sent to these laundromats have similar experiences to the main character of the show, Lorna Brady, played by Ruth Wilson. Lorna’s story is about a person who sleepwalks all the time and wakes up to find a dead body in her house, which leads to a murder case. The horrifying and terrible experiences of those who went through the Magdalene Laundries are shown through this exciting plot.
Joe Murtagh, who created the show, said that the movie “The Magdalene Sisters,” which was directed by Peter Mullins, gave him ideas for the show. He learned about the harsh facts of the Magdalene Laundries through a documentary-style film. He was shocked that such things had happened, especially since many people, even those not from Ireland, were unaware of this dark part of history.
The Magdalene Laundries were for-profit businesses that made women do hard physical work for free. Commercial laundry and household jobs like scrubbing floors were among the tasks. The atmosphere was like a workhouse, with strict rules about silence and prayer. The series is based on the traumatized women who lived in these institutions, which shows the horrible and unfair things they went through.
Ruth Wilson was shocked by how these women were treated as she prepared for her part. The series shows how moms were separated from their babies, they didn’t get proper medical care during childbirth, and the conditions in the laundries were dehumanizing. These are all things that happened to the women who were locked up in these institutions.
To sum up, “The Woman in the Wall” is based on the painful history of the Magdalene Laundries. It sheds light on a dark time in Ireland’s past and brings attention to the suffering of the women who were forced to work in these institutions.
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