TWISTER: 2 (2024) is an American disaster film that was written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung and is a direct sequel to the Twister (1996) story by Joseph Kosinski. This is the story of storm chasers who have to contend with a deadly series of tornadoes in Oklahoma. It features Daisy Edgar-Jones as play as Kate Carter, Glen Powell as Tyler Owens, and Anthony Ramos as Javi among the cast.

Speaking of the plot, Twisters focuses on Kate Carter, who teams with Twisters chasers to investigate and even stop tornadoes. This time to save people’s lives with a new experiment and face her personal demons. The high-octane chases feature in the story revolve around their experiences as they transverse through Oklahoma in the middle of terrible tornadoes that include an EF5, considered the worst type of tornado. Besides chase scenes, the movie presents themes as the fight for survival and the administration of risks for the protection of lives in the face of natural disasters.


Twisters (2024) is not a true story altogether; however, some parts of it are inspired by real events. Furthermore, the film is based on the idea of storm chasing and tornadoes in Tornado Alley, the region in the U. S. with most frequently occurring and most violent tornadoes. In its style, the characters and the story itself are entirely fictitious yet the background about tornado science and disaster preparedness are realistic.

Of all the real-life connections in Twisters, one of them can be connected with the actor Glen Powell who plays Tyler Owens – a storm chaser in the specified picture. One more aspect of the Powell’s character mirrors Powell’s actual life. In the film, Tyler shares a story of a tornado that he witnessed in his childhood, which is explicitly based on true story of Powell that he experienced in 1997. Growing up, when Powell was about eight, he and his family survived the F5 tornado in the Jarrell, Texas where 27 people died. In my point of view, carrying this real life experience in his pocket, Powell was able to bring a lot of emotions into Powell’s character as he has tornadoes really close to him.

Also, director Lee Isaac Chung has personal experience with tornadoes, since he was raised in Arkansas, another state that is vulnerable to these natural disasters. Since he has gone through actual tornadoes, he brings out much truth into the way the film depicts these calamities.

While Twisters is a work of fiction with scripter and characters that never existed in reality, the use of a real-life near encounter with the tornado when Powell was young helps create a semblance of realistic feel in the film. Such details give a natural feel to the movie and cause the viewers recollect the real life devastating effects of the tornadoes better, if they are from the area where tornadoes are a real threat.

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