The fourth episode of AMC Network’s American dark comedy-drama television series “Kevin Can F**k” follows Patty, who accepts the situation in her life. Produced by Valerie Armstrong, the show’s first four episodes received positive reviews from audiences. And now they’re eagerly waiting for the fifth episode titled “New Patty”. So, when is the new episode coming out on AMC? And what do the writers have in store for us, tvacute has it all that we know.
Kevin Can F**k Himself Episode 5 Synopsis: Allison pushes the limits to see what she is capable of; Kevin, Neil, and Pete attempt to replace Patty after kicking her out of the group; an ominous Nick shows up at Patty’s salon; a new job opportunity opens up for Allison at Bev’s Diner.
Kevin Can F**k Himself Episode 5 Release Date
New episodes of ‘Kevin Can F**k Himself’ come to the network every week. The same episode 5 release date will be July 4, 2021, at 3 p.m. ET. on AMC+ Plus, episodes roll out a week later on at 9:00 p.m. ET. on AMC (July 11). In addition, fans can also watch the show on live-TV and VOD services such as Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, DirecTV, Fubo TV, Philo TV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, Vudu, and Spectrum.
Kevin Can F**k Himself Season 1 Cast
Annie Murphy as Allison McRoberts
Eric Petersen as Kevin McRoberts
Mary Hollis Inboden as Patty
Alex Bonifer as Neil
Raymond Lee as Sam
Brian Howe as Pete McRoberts
Meghan Leathers as Jenn
Candice Coke as Tammy