Landscapers Episode 3 Recap – Ending Details

Episode 3 of Landscapers begins with Christopher Edwards (David Thewlis) practicing target shooting while surrounded by people dressed in black. Chris works out in his cell. He is getting ready for an interview. Susan Edwards (Olivia Colman) chats to the camera about her job as a librarian and her hobbies, which include reading and watching movies. Susan’s collection is being examined by an appraiser. In his cell, Chris is performing push-ups. At the prison, she is with her lawyer, Douglas Hylton (Dipo Ola).

DC MacBride (Maanu Thiara) discusses Christopher and Susan with Chris’s stepmother, Tabitha Edwards (Katheryn Hunter). When Christopher’s mother and brother, David, died, he was devastated. He inquires about Susan’s “fragile” condition. Chris was always drawn to people like Susan, she claims, which she believes is related to his mother. Chris has a history of failing to save people.

Landscapers Episode 3 Recap flashback

In a flashback, Chris is mourning the death of his brother, David. She extends a cup of tea to him. He initially declines the offer, but later changes his mind and requests two sugars. She writes Gerard Depardieu a letter requesting a signed portrait for Chris, who had recently lost his brother. She feels the present will cheer him up. She delivers the letter at the post office.

DC McBride meets with detectives to discuss the case. Picking up miniature picture frames with the suspects’ photos, he shows the shootings. “Bang, bang,” he exclaims as he knocks over William Wycherley’s photo frame with Patria Wycherley’s photo frame. Patricia, he claims, takes up the rifle after her mother has dropped it. He then goes “bang, bang” and knocks Patricia’s and Susan’s photo frames over. DCI Susan wrapped her parents’ bodies in a blanket and stuffed them beneath the bed, according to Tony Collier (Daniel Rigby). They’re all in agreement that Chris and Susan’s narrative is “fake news.”

DC Lancing (Kate O’Flynn) and DC Lancing (Kate O’Flynn) Chris is interviewed by Paul Wilkie (Samuel Anderson). Susan’s collection is displayed to him in copies. He warns Lancing not to open Gerard Depardieu’s letters. The males in the images are described as “heroic” by her. Susan bought several of the things in her collection with credit cards without Chris’s knowledge. The collection is dubbed “useless tat” by her. Chris disagrees, claiming that several of the artefacts are of exceptional quality and rarity. She claimed that the collection was valued at £700. He doesn’t believe her. He accuses her of deceiving him.

Chris and Susan are enjoying breakfast in the past. One of the spice shakers is completely depleted. Chris declines Susan’s offer to refill it. A canister of peppercorns spills on the floor as he searches for the spice. She claims that the dustpan is hidden beneath the sink. To clear up the peppercorns, he’ll need the Hoover vacuum. He comes into a box of documents while looking for the vacuum. A receipt for a Picture Show Magazine signed by Gary Cooper is one of the documents. Susan purchased the item for £400. A letter from the Department of Work and Pensions to William, who is turning 100, is also included. A representative has requested that William meet with them at their location. Susan informed the agency that her father resided with them. Chris is enraged that she kept the letter from him. Susan is a compulsive organiser, Chris informs DC Lancing and DC Wilkes. She was attempting to reclaim the happiness that her parents had taken from her. He claims that the investigators are attempting to “goad” him into doing anything. “They never ceased being terrible to her,” he claims of Patricia and Williams. He made an effort not to despise them or become engaged with them. Susan and her dad were co-owners of a home.

William and Patricia pay a visit to Chris’s flat in the past. Patricia requests that Chris take William out for a drink so that she can spend time alone with Susan. Her relationship with William is a disaster, and she has no friends. Susan is accused by her of eluding William. Chris feels apprehensive about abandoning Susan and Patricia. He informs William that he needs to go to the bathroom. “You have the bladder of a mouse, a lady mouse,” Williams explains. “You can be a thoughtless little bitch sometimes,” Patricia scolds Susan as he walks in. She advises her to think of it as a loan.

Chris says Susan signed the house over to her parents when they returned to the interview room. They sold the house and relocated to Mansfield before the ink was dry. He remembers the moment he found Susan had signed the house over to her parents. “How can you be so foolish,” he scolds her. He accuses her of allowing them to withdraw their funds. She defends herself by claiming that they pledged not to sell it. Christopher grabs up a chair, slams it down, and scolds Susan once more.

Susan is paying a visit to her lawyer in prison. He recommends that they play I Spy or play cards. She inquires about his background. His father was no longer a part of his life. He adores his mother and has a girlfriend whom he hopes speaks well of him in the same way Susan does about Chris. He inquires as to whether her feelings for Chris are genuine.

Chris is being grilled by Lancing over Susan’s refusal to change. She accuses him of watching TV with the man who mistreated his wife sexually. She claims he deserted Susan when she needed him the most. He denies the accusations and stands by his previous stance. DCI Through the privacy glass, Collier observes. “Here we go,” he says. DC Chris sees images from Wilkie and Susan’s wedding. He believes that William disapproved of him, which is why he isn’t in the images. Lancing launches into a rant about her mother’s concern for her drunken father. She advises her mother to let go of the situation. Some people, she claims, are beyond help. She tells Chris to quit attempting to help individuals who are incapable of receiving assistance. He doesn’t believe anyone is incapable of assistance. He wasn’t attempting to save his mother or brother; rather, he was attempting to love them. When Lancing accuses Susan of murdering both of her parents, Chris interjects multiple times, claiming that she couldn’t have done it before blurting out, “She’s frightened of weapons.” He was a member of a shooting club and had many pistols. DCI Collier, Sandra Winters (Nimisha Odedra), and DC MacBride all clap loudly when he says this. Susan went to many gun ranges with Chris. “She couldn’t even bring herself to touch a gun, let alone shoot one,” he rages. He keeps defending Susan.

Landscapers Episode 3 Recap william-and-patricia

On the screen is a flashback of Patricia brandishing a gun and William’s body. Chris is led back to his prison cell. Susan’s statement is reviewed by Lancing. Chris is suspected of assisting Susan in the murder of her parents, according to the authorities. Susan and Chris are both being investigated for murder. Susan is heartbroken by the news. While the interview is going on, the privacy glass is being ripped down. Susan is encouraged to follow Lancing as he rises. She strolls by what appears to be a movie set. “Chop, chop,” she adds as she claps her hands. Susan is told by Hylton that she is not required to accompany them. Susan pursues Lancing and Wilkie, inquiring about their whereabouts.

When the doorbell rings, Chris and Susan answer it and present Patricia with a bouquet of flowers. They go to another room, where William is on the floor and Patricia is sitting on a bed. William is helped up from the floor by Lancing. Susan is encouraged to tell them the truth about what happened the night her parents died. She takes Patricia’s gun and hands it over to Chris, who points it squarely at Patricia. While William and Patricia get on the bed, Chris plays with the rifle.

Lancing accuses Susan and Chris of murdering her parents in the interrogation room. Susan tells her that the bodies were buried over the Eurovision Song Contest weekend. They stayed up late to watch the show in order to bury the dead while their neighbours slept. Susan is afraid of guns, says Lancing, echoing Chris’s comments. Chris, she claims, did it as a way of confessing to the murders. Susan confronts Lancing with a counter-argument. She insists Chris is not the shooter before revealing that her father was attracted by “fascist symbols and Nazis.”

Landscapers Episode 3 Recap lancing

Susan sobs as Lancing and Wilkie exit the interview room. Hylton tries to console her in her cell. “I don’t trust anyone but Chris,” she shouts. He advises her to maintain her composure. She demands to know why he did not intervene during the interview to stop the detectives. He claims he had no knowledge of the bank account, the house, or Chris’s weaponry. Why would she inform him if she wasn’t meant to? Chris is labelled “dumb” by her, and she questions his conduct. Hylton admits to being sentenced to prison when he was younger for fighting. She is enraged and distraught.

Landscapers Episode 3 Ending Details

On a rooftop, the investigators are rejoicing. DCI Collier urges them to calm down and that a “table dance” isn’t in the cards for them. “Howdy Sheriff, fair fu**s to you, Emma balls of steel,” he says, congratulating Lancing and Wilkie. Chris and Susan are referred to as “vampires,” and their statements are described as “fairy tale as Father fu**ing Christmas.” Santa has yet to kill anyone. When he talks about his job, he gets emotional. Lancing leaves the party to phone her father, who refers to her as “ducky.”

Susan reads a letter to Chris that she composed. Susan hands Chris the signed image of Gerard Depardieu in a flashback. He’s taken aback by Depardieu’s friendship with them. While out strolling, she sees a horse and tells Chris about it. She conversed with the horse while it stood in the pasture eating grass. Susan was the name she gave to the horse. She imagined herself racing across the horizon. As the episode comes to a close, they kiss.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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