In episode 4 of the Stephen King-written horror-thriller limited series ‘Lisey’s Story, when Scott’s mad hunter Jim Dooley (Dane DeHaan) commits a brutal assault on Lisey, leading her to the world of Ko Booya Moon, she travels Scott’s childhood days. Amanda senses that Lisey is in danger. Scott soon helps bring Lissie back to the present. What will happen next? We’ll have to wait until next week to find out about this. tune with tvacute, Till then let’s look at the next new episode titled “The Good Brother.” In this episode, the truth may be uncovered. Jim Dooley is still missing, but Lisey has to remember that there will be more damage if Jim contacts the police with a threat. She will still take the risk of calling the police. Lisey can be found in the bool hunt in search of new clues.
Lisey’s Story Episode 5 Synopsis; Scott takes Lisey back to when she first learned about Boo’ya Moon and reveals the horrifying truth about his family’s past.
Lisey’s Story Episode 5 Release Date
”Lisey’s Story’ Season 1 Episode 5 is set to release on Friday, June 25, 2021, at 12 PM PT/3 PM ET, on Apple TV+. average runtime of 50 minutes.’ Lisey’s Story Episode 5 is available for streaming only on Apple TV+. Not available in other popular streaming platforms like Netflix or Amazon Prime, you need to subscribe to Apple’s original streaming service for this.