“Dateline NBC“ is a newsmagazine show that has been on for a long time and focuses on true crime stories. “Dateline NBC” showed a story called “Even the Devil Went to Church,” which was about the murder of Michael Reese in 2015 and the investigations that followed. There are a lot of details in this show about Michael’s death. What at first looked like a failed robbery was actually an execution planned by his wife, Cindy Kaye Henderson Reese, and her boyfriend, Baptist preacher Jeffrey David Brown. Now that a few years have passed, let’s find Out Where is Cindy Reese Now!
Cindy had been married to Michael since 2009, after her first husband died. Their marriage seemed happy at first, but when Cindy met Jeffrey David Brown, the senior pastor at Sardis Baptist Church, where she was the minister of music, everything changed.
Cindy and Jeffrey had an affair, which made them want to spend the rest of their lives together. The two of them started a joint savings account, and Cindy’s name was on Jeffrey’s car title and the apartment lease. Jeffrey denied having a sexual connection with Cindy, but Cindy said they were intimate from spring to fall 2014. Cindy kept having a romance even though she was on vacation with Michael. On the day of the murder, she met Jeffrey for lunch.
Friday, February 18, 2015, Cindy shot Michael in the back of the head on their way home from church and dinner. After getting food, she came back and flipped the coffee table to make it look like she was robbing someone before calling 911. Cindy wanted to be with Jeffrey, which is what the investigation showed was the reason Michael was killed.
Within a month of the murder, both Cindy and Jeffrey were caught. During the hearing, they turned on each other and tried to put the blame on someone else. Jeffrey said Cindy talked a lot about killing Michael, but Cindy said Jeffrey was crazy and angry that she wouldn’t separate Michael. Jeffrey said Cindy gave him the murder weapon and some of her “stolen” jewelry to get rid of.
Michael Reeses Wife: Where is Cindy Reese Now?
Cindy Reese, whose real name is Cindy Kaye Henderson Reese, is in the high-security Tutwiler Prison in Wetumpka, Alabama right now. In 2015, she helped kill her husband Michael Reese and was given a 40-year prison term. Cindy was sent to a work-release program in Birmingham, Alabama, in April 2019, but she has since gone back to Tutwiler Prison and is now a “minimum-out” convict. According to this description, she is not a security risk and can be given work to do off-campus without being watched by prison staff. Cindy’s first chance to get parole is in September 2030, and the earliest she could be freed without parole is September 10, 2055.