NCIS Episode “Flight Plan” Recap Season 17 Episode 12

NCIS 17th season episode12 begins Tuesday 01/14/20, the titled “Flight Plan” dive in this week concentrating on Navy Lt. Rebecca Weeks, who took off in an F-18 on a normal preparing strategic never made it back to the USS Franklin Roosevelt.

This wasn’t the catastrophe it at first has all the earmarks of being, in any case. Weeks crippled the tracker on the ejector seat, concealed her apparatus, and set out to comprehend wrongdoing, deserting a dead ex in her quarters locally available the USS Franklin Roosevelt.

Weeks’ bunkmate Harper Logan hesitantly tells Gibbs and Bishop that Petty Officer First Class Fisher Patrick parted ways with Weeks for being excessively old, and Weeks swore she’d make him sorry. Among that and the nearness of ground-up oxycodone in Weeks’ bunk and monstrous sums in Patrick’s framework, the group begins thinking about whether Weeks harmed Patrick.

They start their inquiry at a snare and handle shop close to where she dumped her rigging on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. The man behind the counter said she purchased a coat, bites, and things that Torres perceives as a DIY unit to hotwire the man’s cruiser.

Sufficiently sure, the bicycle’s gone, however, Sloane has another lead: Weeks’ back up parent, resigned Cmd. Jack Briggs, lives close by. When NCIS lands to address him, he’s quiet and somewhat conceited and he’s played by Patrick Duffy! He demands that his goddaughter didn’t execute her beau and slows down them long enough for her to take off in his modest individual plane. This was insufficient Patrick Duffy content for me, yet I’ll take what the show decides to give me.

Despite the fact that the plane has a scope of 700 miles, it turns up on a landing strip 30 miles from where she took off, driving Vance to theorize that Weeks is acting like a blameless individual in that she didn’t run when she got the opportunity. Moreover, Weeks calls NCIS HQ and gets moved to Gibbs’ telephone, clarifying that she didn’t execute Patrick and that she’s really carrying out NCIS’s responsibility for them. At that point, she strolls off yet leaves the line open.

Gibbs and Bishop track her to a junkyard, where they watch security film of Weeks expelling something from a totaled vehicle before taking a working one, pummeling into the tow truck, and driving through the bolted door.

The totaled vehicle had a place with Weeks’ CO May, whose spouse as of late passed on in a solitary auto collision that was governed a mishap. Kasie theorizes that Weeks took the locally available PC framework that controls all the gadgets, including the brakes and force controlling, maybe looking for proof of unfairness.

It’s sufficient to send Gibbs and McGee back to the USS Franklin Roosevelt, where everybody’s in lockdown. In any case, they before long find that Weeks has snuck ready, and May is missing. They discover Weeks holding May at gunpoint to get him to turn over his PC secret word so she can demonstrate he hacked his better half’s installed framework. After a strained standoff, she gives up her firearm and plunks down to respond to questions. She and Jill were companions, and Jill kidded a month ago that on the off chance that she wound up dead, it was her significant other who did it. Be that as it may, he was ready when his better half kicked the bucket.

At that point, she saw a report about high schoolers hacking their head’s locally available framework, and she began to think about whether that is the manner by which May did it. She stood up to him with her interests and discovered her ex dead in her bed soon subsequently. She went nuts and took off in the F-18, apprehensive for her life. From that point forward, she had no real option except to demonstrate that May carried out the wrongdoing herself.

May’s PC does, truth be told, show proof that his better half’s brakes and controlling were messed with remotely, yet May demands he could never have done it. Aaaaand enter the genuine executioner.

The weapons framework official was taking part in an extramarital entanglement with May, who would not leave his significant other for her. Logan demands as she’s captured for lethally hacking the vehicle, slaughtering Patrick, and encircling Weeks. At last, Weeks demonstrates her case however faces court-military for her activities.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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