Netflix Jr.’s new animated Series Trash Truck š which was created by Max Keane, the 12-episode first season premieres November 10 on Netflix. Check out the show details and trailer below.
Trash Truck show follows the adventures of Hank a free-range, 6-year-old boy, a dirt-covered kid, and his best pal, a giant honking trash truck.From learning to fly, to going to the dentist, there is no adventure too big or too small for these two best friends.
TRASH TRUCK (2020) is an animated series in production by showrunner Max Keane (Dear Basketball).
The voice cast features Brian Baumgartner (The Office) as Walter, Max Keane as Dad, Glen Keane as Grandpa / Trash Truck, Henry Keane as Hank, Megan Keane as Mom, Olive Keane as Olive, Lucas Neff as Donny, and Jackie Loeb as Miss Mona.