“Captain Fall” is a thrilling new addition to Netflix‘s lineup, ready to take viewers on an exciting journey. This animated comedy is a first for Helgaker and Torgersen. This hilarious show centers around a naive but well-meaning captain who is thrust into the dangerous world of smuggling for a ruthless international cartel. Will he be able to navigate the treacherous waters and avoid getting caught by the authorities? Check out details of the Adult Animated Comedy “Captain Fall” to get a better idea of the new Series at www.tvacute.com.
Captain Fall Release Date
This highly anticipated release is set to premiere on July 28th. The 10 thrilling episodes, ordered by Netflix in 2020, promise to be a must-watch for fans of the streaming platform.
About Captain Fall (2023)
The story revolves around Captain Fall, a young and well-meaning sea captain who unexpectedly becomes the captain of a smuggling ship for an international cartel. Unaware of the ship’s illicit activities, he becomes a scapegoat for the cartel in case they are ever pursued by authorities.
[Netflix] Captain Fall Trailer
Captain Fall Cast
The latest animated comedy show by Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen, the creators of Norseman, boasts an impressive voice cast including Jason Ritter, Raising Dion, Christopher Meloni, Lesley-Ann Brandt, and Anthony Carrigan. The star-studded voiceover cast of this show features Alejandro Edda, Adam Devine, and Trond Fausa.
Netflix’s latest series was developed and executive produced by Helgaker, Torgersen, and Joel Trussell.