Missing You 2025
“Missing You” on Netflix is a compelling crime thriller that is based on Harlan Coben‘s 2014 book of the same name. Coben serves as executive producer, and the series’ complex plot twists and intensely personal stakes keep viewers on edge. It centers on Detective Kat Donovan (Rosalind Eleazar, Slow Horses), whose life is completely upended when her long-lost fiancé Josh (Ashley Walters), who vanished more than ten years ago, shows up on a dating app. As Kat’s life starts to fall apart, she learns startling details about her father’s murder, which sets up a dramatic and poignant conclusion.
At Josh’s house, where he lives with his daughter Sadie and her late mother’s father, who assists in raising her, Kat finds him in the episode’s conclusion. Josh reveals that his sudden departure years ago was an attempt to spare Kat more suffering, but it backfired, leaving her grieving and with unanswered questions. He speculates that his daughter might have created the dating app profile, but he denies doing so.
As Kat looks into it more, she learns that Josh used Monte (Marc Warren), the man wrongfully convicted of her father’s murder, to learn about her father’s corruption. Josh ran away to protect Kat from the truth because he was afraid of her reaction.
Titus (Steve Pemberton), who kidnaps rich people and demands money from them at his gloomy puppy farm, is the subject of a sinister subplot. When Kat is brought into the case by her son Brendan (Oscar Kennedy), one of his victims, Dana Fells (Lisa Faulkner), turns into the key to revealing his crimes. Kat finds out that Titus used phony profiles, one of which imitated Josh, to entice his victims.
In the final confrontation, Titus abducts Brendan while Dana and the other prisoners are trying to flee. After pursuing him, Kat kills Titus during a heated altercation, releasing Dana and the other hostages. Titus’s reign of terror comes to an end when Brendan survives a gunshot wound to his leg.


In the last moments, the mystery surrounding the death of Clint Donovan (Lenny Henry) is revealed. Calligan (played by James Nesbitt) tells Kat that Clint was blackmailed into committing crimes in order to hide his affair. While visiting Parker, Clint’s ex-lover, Kat finds out that her father wanted to break up the affair in order to keep his family safe.
When Josh’s fingerprints are discovered on the murder weapon, the startling truth is revealed. A tragic series of events culminates in Josh confessing to stabbing Clint. Aqua (Mary Malone), who was aware of his secrets and pushed him to face his reality, had been attacked by Clint. Josh unintentionally killed Clint when he intervened to save Aqua during a fight. As part of his final desire to keep Kat safe, Clint’s close friend Stagger (Richard Armitage) covered up the crime and hired Monte to take the fall.
After Josh’s confession, Kat is heartbroken but thoughtful. She decides to stay and spend a brief moment with him in spite of the pain. Even after such a shocking revelation. there is still a chance that they will rekindle their relationship.
The conclusion mainly adheres to Harlan Coben’s book, with only slight variations in names and specifics. In the novel  Kat’s father gave his character and lover different names, and the murder weapon was a gun rather than a knife. The story’s core, which highlights the terrible consequences of long-hidden truths, is unaffected by these modifications.
Netflix is currently streaming Missing You.
For more information on “Missing You” and other must-watch series, including previews and recaps, visit tvacute.com.

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