David Fincher, the director of Netflix’s 2023 action thriller “The Killer,” transports viewers on a thrilling global journey replete with suspenseful moments and surprising turns in the story. Based on the French graphic novel series ‘The Killer’ by Alexis “Matz” Nolent and Luc Jacamon, and starring Michael Fassbender, the film transports viewers to the perilous world of the titular assassin who becomes embroiled in a global manhunt following a botched assignment.
As tvacute explores ‘The Killer’s’ behind-the-scenes magic, it becomes clear that the film’s locales are essential to making the story come to life. Every location in the movie adds to its visual complexity, from the busy streets to the sun-drenched vistas and the metropolitan sprawl. Let’s take a tour of the various filming locations that helped create the dramatic atmosphere for “The Killer.”
Where was The Killer (2023) filmed?
The movie moves from St. Charles, Illinois, a quaint town renowned for its historic downtown, to Chicago with ease. Even though the West Pearl River Bridge is actually closed, it plays a crucial role in the murderer’s moments of solving puzzles. The store Breaux Mart in Chalmette, Louisiana, serves as a stand-in for Florida, demonstrating the adaptability of various settings in constructing a visual story that cuts across national borders. Every site is a meticulously chosen piece of the cinematic puzzle, from the fictional Baliquinox Club filmed at the Midtown Athletic Club in Chicago.
‘The Killer’ teases a New York setting with an introductory shot of Grand Central Terminal, a masterful cinematic trick. But every scene in New York was painstakingly constructed in and around Chicago, demonstrating the alchemy of cinema that makes it difficult to distinguish between fact and fantasy.
In addition, Gabriel’s eatery from the popular Netflix series The Killer—an actual Italian cafĂ© known as Terra Nera—is included in the film. A touch of refinement is added by the Waterfront Restaurant, which is tucked away around the picturesque Fox River, and the audience is treated to a visual feast in the lobby of the Hyde Park–Kenwood National Bank Building at 1525 East 53rd Street.
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