The voice of Sandra Oh, Netflix’s new animated movie titled Over the Moon will be coming on this October 23. Directed by veteran Glen Keane (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Tangled) follows by the story of the legendary moon goddess that’s caught on the moon, young girl Fei Fei builds her own rocketship in an attempt to meet her. With her loyal pet Rabbit and the stowaway Chin, they find a beautiful mythical world, and the search for the goddess begins. watch the trailer below.
Quietly tearing up over the lovely "Rocket to the Moon" (featuring Cathy Ang) from OVER THE MOON.
Coming to Netflix globally 23 October 🚀
— NetflixFilm (@NetflixFilm) August 28, 2020
Over the Moon movie will feature the voices of Cathy Ang as Fei Fei, Sandra Oh as Mrs. Zhong, Margaret Cho as Auntie Ling, Kimiko Glenn as Auntie Mei, Artt Butler as Ma-Ma, Robert G Chiu as Chin, Phillipa Soo as Change, Ken Jeong as the Gobi, John Cho as Ba Ba and Ruthie Ann Miles as Mother.
Produced by Pearl Studio and animated by Sony Pictures Imageworks. The story was written by the late Audry Wells who passed away in October 2018 and Jennifer Yee McDevitt completing Wells’ vision for the story.