The seventh episode of the show “Platonic” follows Sylvia on her first day at a new job and explores her challenges and interactions with her coworkers. The episode also delves into Will’s brewing business and his complicated relationship with his ex-wife, Audrey. Meanwhile, Will is dealing with his own issues related to his bar business. he introduces a new beer to his business partners, Reggie and Andy, but realizes it is not cost-effective. Here’s a breakdown of the main events: here’s We ( have a Platonic Episode 7 rundown.
Platonic Season 1 Episode 7 Recap
The seventh episode titled “Let the River Run” begins with Sylvia (Rose Byrne) starting her first day on the job as an associate. After her son, Simon spills milk on her new suit, a series of things happen. Sylvia tells her best friend Katie about her new job and is thrilled about it. Sylvia worries about working alongside younger coworkers, and a friend of hers named Charlie adds to her fears by expressing his own reservations about the age gap.
Sylvia is committed to succeeding in her new position despite her early reservations. She is given the responsibility of going through a lot of paperwork on her first day. She unintentionally ruins a portrait of Kirk Friedkin, the business’s owner, while working late at night. She succeeds in keeping a colleague from noticing the damage, but she soon realizes she needs assistance to correct the situation. She contacts her ex-husband Will, who gets in touch with his ex-wife Audrey, an art expert, to fix the painting.
Business partners Will (Seth Rogen), Reggie, and Andy own and operate a bar. Will feels that his new brew will raise the establishment’s bar standards. Reggie decides to give it a try for a month, but his real goal is to secretly host a Kombucha party at the pub. Will views the bar as a venue where he can indulge his passion for beer, whereas Reggie is more concerned about making money. Tensions develop between them, and Will finally learns about Reggie’s covert gathering via Audrey, who also happens to be Reggie’s stepsister.
Sylvia and Will visit Audrey (Alisha Wainwright) in the interim to get the portrait corrected. Gregory, an art restorer, however, ends up causing more damage to the picture. Sylvia makes an effort to settle in, but she frequently feels uncomfortable. Later, when she and Will get to the bar, they learn that Peyton (Emily Kimball), Sylvia’s previous babysitter, is now a waitress. In addition, Sylvia learns that Katie is seeing Andy but hasn’t told her.
In an effort to put an end to Reggie’s party, furious Sylvia takes matters into her own hands by reporting a false gas leak. Her acts, though, have an effect. The following day, Jessica from HR calls Sylvia and plays the CCTV tape of the event with the portrait for her. Despite Sylvia’s attempts to apologize, Jessica eventually lets her know that she has been sacked. Initially in denial, Sylvia later comes to terms with the reality and feels compelled to leave the office.
The final moments of the episode offer a preview of what may come next, including Charlie’s response to Sylvia’s dismissal and Will’s probable vengeance against Reggie for organizing the party without telling him. The next episode’s events leave the audience anticipating what will happen next.
Platonic Season 1 Episode 6 Recap