The 1990s New York setting of the Power series stars Mekai Curtis as Kanan, the role originally played by 50 Cent. As we continue to follow Kanan’s journey into the drug world, Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 2 has reached its dramatic conclusion. it goes without saying that a lot of significant events took place. Consider the case of important characters being eliminated from the story. ( We’ll have to move on in order to see this.
Are Worrell and Zisa dead in Power Book III: Raising Kanan?
In the Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 2 finale titled If Y’Don’t Know, Now Y’Know, Worrell and Zisa, are two well-known characters who passed away in a relatively short amount of time. Following a disagreement with Sal, the pair found themselves on the losing end of a deadly shootout. At least for the time being, the fact that Detective Shannon Burke is still alive in some mysterious way is the thing that has taken our breath away the most. Given that she’s dug up so much information on her own partner Malcolm Howard – Kanan’s biological father, she still has a chance of passing away, despite the fact that we were certain from the beginning that she was going to die. We have the predisposition to believe that she will be eliminated at some point in the future; the main question now is when this will occur. However, for the time being, Howard has managed to persuade his son that there is nothing that she can actually do. This is the primary reason why she is frantically questioning Kanan in the first place.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the folks that actually pass away, beginning with a significant character from this season Unique’s right-hand man named Worrell (John Clay III), as well as the budding singer and love interest of Lou Lou named Zisa (Paulina Singer). Both were murdered as a direct consequence of the situation deteriorating with Italian Mafia boss Sal Boselli (Michael Rispoli), and it is becoming progressively more apparent that there are some more powerful players involved.
In the season finale, we were introduced to the character of Stefano, played by Tony Danza. Stefano is the true Boss in New York City, and it appears that he runs his business around a number of aquariums. Sal had made it quite apparent to him that there would be noise in the city, but he didn’t want to have much to do with it. We have no doubt that we will continue to watch Raq battle the Boselli family in the episodes to come; but, we also know that Danza will make an appearance in season 3 at some point. You should expect to see the mob play a significant part in some capacity as events move forward in some fashion or another.