Tonight on Monday, October 7, 2019, FOXs’ new crime series Prodigal Son episode 3 aired . we have your Prodigal Son recap below.
Prodigal Son episode 3 called, “Fear Response,” as per the FOX synopsis, “Malcolm gets his dream interview opportunity when the NYPD zeroes in on one of his and Martin’s favorite psychologists, Dr. Elaine Brown, who may be involved in a homicide linked to an LSD-laced psychology trial.
Malcolm throws himself out the window while having a nightmare.
Dr. Whitly gives Malcolm a call asking about the case.
Malcolm states the writing will be over the age of what they will have at the criminal offenses scene but there’s something they’re missing in what; he needs them ti get him.
The detectives, alongside Malcolm go directly to the rooftop where they locate Carl, and Malcolm claims the killer remains.Malcolm conveys to him he could be on top of LSD, good enough to result in a psychotic break.
Gil reminds her that Malcolm Bright does indeed whatever he needs plus they cannot manage him; she claims, “Speak on your own!” Jessica rests in her dressing up room, remembering the final time she found Martin.
JT conveys to Malcolm the teacher is having green tea and then sleeping so he is able to stay now there and Malcolm can go back home.
Malcolm really wants to know very well what his initials are a symbol of as he jokes he isn’t surveillance stuff. Malcolm grabs a flames texas holdem as he conveys to Elaine in which to stay her chair.